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8th ESRS Congress

1 September 1986 @ 1:00 am - 5 September 1986 @ 1:00 am CEST

Sleep ‘86, Proceedings of the 8th ESRS Congress,
W. P. Koella, F. Obál, H. Schulz, P. Visser (eds.),
Basel, Karger 1988

The Congress Proceedings contained the winning paper of the W. R. Hess-Prize by the Dres. Scott S. Campbell and Jürgen Zulley, Napping as a biological rhythm: disentrainment of the human sleep/wake-system. The Prize was sponsored jointly by the Gustav Fischer Verlag and Werner P. Koella. The W. R. Hess Prize was given only once, and did not become a ‘permanent fixture’, as planned by the Prize Committee. Fortunately, this was the starting point for different other prizes of the ESRS, which should follow.

Special lectures:

  1. P. L. Parmeggiani: Central representation of sleep behavior revisited
  2. A. Borbély: Pharmacology of sleep: new perspectives
  3. Ian Oswald: The function of sleep in restoring the tissues


  1. The organization and regulation of sleep – Various models (Chair: W. P. Koella)
  2. Physiological functions in sleep (Chair: P. L. Parmeggiani)
  3. Information processing during sleep (Chair: P. Halász)
  4. New hypnotics (Chair: J.-M. Gaillard)
  5. Mental activity in sleep and wake (Chairs: M. Bosinelli, P. Salzarulo)
  6. Phylogeny of sleep (Chair: I. Tobler)
  7. Endogenous sleep factors – a critical approach (Chair: J. Adrien)
  8. Epidemiology of sleep disorders (Chair: M. Partinen)
  9. Sleep and depression (Chair: A. Witz-Justice)
  10. Motility in sleep – normal or abnormal phenomena (Chair: P. Lavie)

The Scientific and Publications Committee selected 80 out of close to 150 submitted papers as Mini-Papers for inclusion into the congress proceedings.

ESRS Board

President: P. L. Parmeggiani (Bologna)
Vice-President: E. Rüther (Munich)
Secretary: H. Schulz (Munich)
Assistant-Secretary: P. Salzarulo (Paris)
Treasurer: J.-M. Gaillard (Geneva)

Local Organizing Committee

F. Obál

A. Muzet
E. Hirsch
J.-P. Libert
C. Marescaux
G. Micheletti
L. Rumbach
Gy. Adám
F. Bari
Gy. Benedek
Gy. Dibo
D. Fehér
F. Gorgényi
P. Halász
G. Inhász
T. Kukorelli,
I. Mészáros
P. Molnár
A. Nagy
I. Pál
Gy. Pubicsek
J. Szilárd
T. O. Zoltáu

Congress Secretariat:
F. Obál Jr., P. Aföldi


1 September 1986 @ 1:00 am CEST
5 September 1986 @ 1:00 am CEST
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