PISA SLEEP AWARD 15th edition

Palazzo della Sapienza, Pisa , Italy

From 6-7 May 2022, the 15th edition of the PISA Sleep Award will be held (in-person) at Palazzo della Sapienza,...

Schlafmedizin – quo vadis? 2022

Bezirksklinikum Regensburg—IBP Hörsaal Universitätsstr. 84, Regensburg, Germany

This year's theme is Narcolepsy, Hypersomnia and Daytime Sleepiness. We want to offer you an interdisciplinary overview of these sleep...

Edinburgh Sleep Medicine Course 2022

Hilton Edinburgh Carlton 19 North Bridge, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The Edinburgh Sleep Medicine Course 2022 will take place May 9 - 13, 2022 at the Hilton Edinburgh Carlton. This...

International Sleep Medicine Course 2022 (ISMC)

The Netherlands , Netherlands

The “Netherlands Society for Sleep and Wake Research” (NSWO) and the “Slaapgeneeskunde Vereniging Nederland” (SVNL) proudly announce the 2022 edition...

Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms 33rd Annual Meeting

Harwood Room, Barnes Wallis Building, The University of Manchester, Altrincham Street, Sackvillle Street Campus, Manchester, UK , United Kingdom

From 23 to 25 June 2022, the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms will be holding its 33rd Annual...

Webinar: Sleep & Health


ESRS will be hosting a webinar entitled Sleep & Health on 12 July 2022, 17:00 - 18:00 CEST. This will...

DGSM 30th Annual Conference

RheinMain CongressCenter Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 1, Wiesbaden

From 10-12 November 2022, the German national sleep society - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin (DGSM) will be holding...