ESRS Best Abstract Awards
Applications CLOSED
The ESRS Best Abstract Award was created by the European Sleep Research Society to honour the best scientific contribution to the Sleep Europe Congress.
The best abstract submitted in each of the ESRS congress tracks (six at present) as ranked by the Scientific Committee and blind abstract reviewers will receive the award.
The first Best Abstract Awards will be awarded in 2023 at eSleep Europe virtual congress. The award recipients receive a certificate as well as a complimentary registration to the next Sleep Europe Congress. The award is presented to the submitting author and they are able to use or allocate the complimentary registration to one of the authors at their discretion. The award is presented at the Society’s scientific meeting.
A complimentary registration to Sleep Europe 2024 will be awarded to Best Abstract Award winners.
A maximum of 1 complimentary registration per congress track will be awarded.
Application Guidelines
Application Deadline: 31 May 2023
All applications should be submitted via the website only.
The ESRS Scientific Committee and blind abstract reviewers will rank the abstract submitted.
All questions and concerns related to abstract submission or registration
should be directed to the Congress Secretariat at