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First Sleep Studies in 1983-85 in Sleep and Neurological Dirsorers and Biological Rhythms and Epilepsy. Formal Sleep Lab and Outpatient Clinic on Hospital base since 1987.
Present: Clinical Sleep Lab connected to Outpatient Sleep within a University Teaching Hospital with responsability for training Residents in Neurology or Specialists in Neurophysiology, Technicians and Medical and Technician Students. Main research areas: Sleep and Neurological Disorders, mainly Sleep and Epilepsy and Sleep and Parkinsonism; Sleep and Breathing Disorders, Genetics of Sleep Disorders (Narcolepsy, Sleep and Obesity, among others).
Emmanuel Mignot , Ling Lin, Hongzhe Li, Glenys Thom¬son, Mark Lathrop, Erik Thorsby, Katsushi Tokunaga, Yutaka Honda, Yves Dauvilliers, Mehdi Tafti, Michel Billiard, Geert Mayer, Jacques Montplaisir, Guy Rouleau, Helene Temple, Michael Thorpy, Berta Martins, Antonio Martins da Silva, Miriam Vazquez, Carmen Alaez, Clara Gorodezky, Gary Schoch, Betty Lo, F. Carl Grumet (2003). The 13th International Histocompatibility Work¬ing Group for Narcolepsy Joint Report. Chapt. 8. 13th IHWS Disease Component Joint Report. Seattle.
Pinto D, Martins da Silva Ana, Lopes J, Cerqueira J, Cardoso M, Mendonça D, Martins da Silva B, Martins da Silva A (2001): Alelo HLA-DQB1*0602 e susceptibilida¬de a diferentes patologias do sono. Vigília & Sueño, Vol 13(1), Pp.85.
Lopes J, Silva MB, Ramalheira J, Martins da Silva Ana, Carvalho C, Casimiro S, Martins da Silva A. (1999): Genetic distinction between narcolepsy-cataplexy and other hypersomnias. European Journal of Neurol., Vol. 6, Suppl. 3, pp. 14.
Lopes J, Magalhães M, Ramalheira J, Rui Silva M, Faria T, Bastos Lima A, Martins da Silva A. (1998): The sleep characteristics on Parkinson patients before and after treat-ment. Journal of Sleep Research, Vol 7, Suppl 2: 158.
Oliveira JM, Tomé AM, Cunha JP, Martins da Silva A, Alonso Betanzos A, Moret Bonillo V, Guijarro-Berdiñas B, Cabrero Canosa M. (1996): Integrated Sleep Analysis in a Neurophysiology Environment. Proceedings of Bioeng 96 VII. 2.1-VII. 2.4.
Tomé A, Morgado R, Mendonça D, Martins da Silva A (1992): Microanalysis de las caracteristicas temporales de los patrones de sueño EEG. Rev. Neurofis. 1992: 5(3).
Sequeiros J and Martins da Silva A (1988): Autossomal dominant central sleep apnea: the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), infantile sleep apnea (“near miss SIDS”) and asymptomatic carriers, in two generations of a large family. Am J Hum Genet 43:A70.
Martins da Silva A, Canijo M, Cunha I and Lopes da Silva FH (1987): Biorhythmic modulation of spike and wave paroxysms by sleep naps. In: Advances in Epileptology. Vol. 16. Edts. P. Wolf, M. Dam, D. Janz and F.E. Dreifuss. Pp. 687-691. Raven Press, New York.
Martins da Silva A , Binnie CD, Meinardi H, Edts. Bio¬rhythms and Epilepsy. Raven Press. New York, 1985.
Martins da Silva A, Aarts JHP, Binnie CD, Laxminarayan R, Lopes da Silva FH, Meijer JWA and Nagelkerke NJD (1984): The circadian distribution of interictal epilepti¬form EEG activity. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 58(1): 1-13.