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Sleep mattress, snoring
1. Himanen SL, Hasan J. Limitations of Rechtschaffen and Kales. Sleep Med Rev 2000;4:149-167.
2. Himanen SL, Virkkala J, Huhtala H, Hasan J. Spindle frequencies in sleep EEG show U-shape within first four NREM sleep episodes. J Sleep Res. 2002;11:35-42.
3. Huupponen E, Himanen SL, Värri A, Hasan J, Lehtokangas M, Saarinen J. A Study on Gender and Age Differences in Sleep Spindles. Neuropsychobiology 2002;45:99-105
4. Himanen SL, Virkkala J, Huupponen E, Hasan J. Spindle frequency remains slow in sleep apnea patients throughout the night. Sleep Medicine 2003;4:361-366.
5. Himanen SL, Joutsen A, Virkkala J. Visual assessment of selected high amplitude frontopolar slow waves of sleep: Differences between healthy subjects and apnea patients. Clin EEG Neurosci 2004;35:125-131.
6. Danker-Hopfe H, Kunz D, Gruber G, Klösch G, Lorenzo JL, Himanen SL, Kemp B, Penzel T, Röschke J, Dorn H, Schlögl A, Trenker E, Dorffner G. Interrater reliability between scorers from eight European sleep laboratories in subjects with different sleep disorders. J Sleep Res 2004;13:63-69.
7. Huupponen E, Saastamoinen A, Niemi J, Virkkala J, Hasan J, Varri A, Himanen SL. Automated Frequency Analysis of Synchronous and Diffuse Sleep Spindles. Neuropsychobiology. 2005;51:256-264.
8.Danker-Hopfe H, Schäfer M, Dorn H, Anderer P, Saletu B, Gruber G, Zeitlhofer J, Kunz D, Barbanoj MJ, Himanen SL, Kemp B, Penzel,T, Röschke J, Dorffner G. Percentile Reference Charts for Selected Sleep Parameters for 20- to 80-Year-Old Healthy Subjects from the SIESTA Database. Somnologie 2005;9:3–14.
9. Huupponen E, Saastamoinen A, Eskelinen V, Värri A, Hasan J, Himanen SL. Apnea patients show a frontopolar inter-hemispheric spindle frequency difference.
Neurosci Lett. 2006 Jul 31;403(1-2):186-9
10. Kalleinen N, Polo O, Himanen SL, Joutsen A, Urrila AS, Polo-Kantola P. Sleep deprivation and hormone therapy in postmenopausal women.
Sleep Med. 2006 Aug;7(5):436-47.
11. Rauhala E, Himanen SL, Saastamoinen A, Polo O. Prolonged spiking in the Emfit sensor in patients with sleep-disordered breathing is characterized by increase in transcutaneous carbon dioxide. Physiol Meas. 2007;28:1163-73.
12. Huupponen E, Gomez-Herrero G, Saastamoinen A, Värri A, Hasan J, Himanen SL. Development and comparison of four sleep spindle detection methods. Artif Intell Med. 2007;40:157-70.
13. Kalleinen N, Polo-Kantola P, Himanen SL, Alhola P, Joutsen A, Urrila AS, Polo O. Sleep and the Menopause – Do postmenopausal women experience worse sleep than premenopausal women? Menopause Int. 2008 Sep;14(3):97-104.
14. Rauhala E, Hasan J, Kulkas A, Saastamoinen A, Huupponen E, Cameron F, Himanen SL. Compressed tracheal sound analysis in screening of sleep-disordered breathing. Clin Neurophysiol. 2008 Sep;119(9):2037-43.
15. Tenhunen M, Rauhala E, Huupponen E, Saastamoinen A, Kulkas A, Himanen SL. High frequency components of tracheal sound are emphasized during prolonged flow limitation. Physiol Meas. 2009;30:467-478.
16. Saunamäki T, Himanen SL, Polo O, Jehkonen M. Executive dysfunction in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Eur Neurol. 2009;62:237-42.
17. Saunamäki T, Himanen SL, Polo O, Jehkonen M. Executive dysfunction and learning effect after continuous positive airway pressure treatment in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Eur Neurol. 2010;63(4):215-20.
18. Tenhunen M, Rauhala E, Virkkala J, Polo O, Saastamoinen A, Himanen SL. Increased respiratory effort during sleep is noninvasively detected with movement sensor. Sleep and Breathing, 2011:15;737-746.
19. Nohynek H, Jokinen J, Partinen M, Vaarala O, Kirjavainen T, Sundman J, Himanen SL, Hublin C, Julkunen I, Olsén P, Saarenpää-Heikkilä O, Kilpi T. AS03 adjuvanted AH1N1 vaccine associated with an abrupt increase in the incidence of childhood narcolepsy in Finland. PLoS ONE 2012;7: e33536, pages 1-9.
20. Tenhunen M, Elomaa E, Sistonen H, Rauhala E, Himanen SL. Emfit movement sensor in evaluating nocturnal breathing. Respir Physiol Neurobiol, in press.