Main research areas:
Sleep disordered breathing, cerebrovascular and cardiorespiratoric consequences.
Sleep disorders and Parkinson Disease.
Neurophysiological analysis (EEG, LORETA) of sleep apnea patients.
Dynamic changes in sleep-related breathing abnormalities in bilateral paramedian mesencephalon and thalamus stroke: a follow-up case study
Béla Faludi, Márton Tóth, Gabriella Pusch, Sámuel Komoly
Sleep And Breathing 06/2015; DOI:10.1007/s11325-015-1212-0 · 2.87 Impact Factor
Bilateral Subthalamic Stimulation can Improve Sleep Quality in Parkinson’s Disease
Gabriella Deli, Zsuzsanna Aschermann, Péter Ács, Edit Bosnyák, József Janszky, Béla Faludi, Attila Makkos, Márton Kovács, Sámuel Komoly, István Balás, Tamás Dóczi, Norbert Kovács
Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 03/2015; 5(2). DOI:10.3233/JPD-150540 · 1.10 Impact Factor
Test-Retest Validity of Parkinson’s Disease Sleep Scale 2nd Version (PDSS-2).
Krisztina Horváth, Zsuzsanna Aschermann, Péter Acs, Gabriella Deli, József Janszky, Kázmér Karádi, Sámuel Komoly, Béla Faludi, Norbert Kovács
Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 10/2014; DOI:10.3233/JPD-140459 · 1.10 Impact Factor
Late bedtime is associated with decreased hippocampal volume in young healthy subjects
Diána Kuperczkó, Gábor Perlaki, Béla Faludi, Gergely Orsi, Anna Altbacker, Norbert Kovács, Tamás Dóczi, Sámuel Komoly, Attila Schwarcz, Zsófia Clemens, József Janszky
Sleep and Biological Rhythms 10/2014; 13(1). DOI:10.1111/sbr.12077 · 0.76 Impact Factor
Is the MDS-UPDRS a Good Screening Tool for Detecting Sleep Problems and Daytime Sleepiness in Parkinson’s Disease?
Krisztina Horváth, Zsuzsanna Aschermann, Péter Acs, Edit Bosnyák, Gabriella Deli, Endre Pál, József Janszky, Béla Faludi, Ildikó Késmárki, Sámuel Komoly, […], György Dibó, László Vécsei, Annamária Takáts, Adrián Tóth, Piroska Imre, Ferenc Nagy, Mihály Herceg, Anita Kamondi, Eszter Hidasi, Norbert Kovács
Parkinson’s Disease 01/2014; 2014:806169. DOI:10.1155/2014/806169 · 2.10 Impact Factor
Effects of CPAP-Therapy on Brain Electrical Activity in Obstructive Sleep Apneic Patients: A Combined EEG Study Using LORETA and Omega Complexity : Reversible Alterations of Brain Activity in OSAS.
Marton Toth, Bela Faludi, Istvan Kondakor
Brain Topography 10/2012; 25(4):450-60. DOI:10.1007/s10548-012-0243-0 · 2.52 Impact Factor
Characteristic changes in brain electrical activity due to chronic hypoxia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS): a combined EEG study using LORETA and omega complexity.
Marton Toth, Bela Faludi, Jiri Wackermann, Jozsef Czopf, Istvan Kondakor
Brain Topography 09/2009; 22(3):185-90. DOI:10.1007/s10548-009-0110-9 · 2.52 Impact Facto