Hotel-Dieu Sleep Center Paris – Universite Paris Descartes, AP-HP

Hotel-Dieu Sleep Center Paris - Universite Paris Descartes, AP-HP

Hopital Hotel-Dieu, Sleep Center

Hotel-Dieu Sleep Center Paris

Contact: Damien  
Position: Head
Address: 1 place du Parvis Notre-Dame, 75004
City: Paris
Country: France
Contact Email: Contact laboratory
RESEARCH DOMAIN: Methodology / Technology, Clinical, Basic Human
KEYWORDS: Pharmacology Human, Sleep and Medical Disorders, Epidemiology of Sleep, Sleep Physiology-Neurophysiology in Human, Biological Rhythms, Behavioural Sleep Disorders


Laboratory Description:

The Hotel–Dieu Unit “Sommeil and Vigilance”, located in the Hotel-Dieu (APHP-Paris Descartes) since 25 years and animated by Professor Damien LEGER had mainly worked on the epidemiology of sleep disorders in France and in other European and American countries. They have developed a corpus of reference data on the prevalence of insomnia among multiple countries and on the consequences of insomnia on daytime functioning, work ability and absenteeism, driving, socioeconomics and quality of life. They had also focused on the effects on occupational and environmental factors, such as the absence of light on sleep and alertness. They had also recently coordinated the HAS (Haute Autorite de Santé) recommendations on shift work and night work (2012).

VIFASOM (Vigilance Fatigue Sommeil) our University research center, Universite Paris Descartes is commonly directed by Damien LEGER and Mounir CHENNAOUI from the Defense research institute: IRBA (Institut de Recherche Biomedicale des Amees).

Our previous studies and international surveys have shown that total sleep time is a major public health marker. In the last decades total sleep time has deeply decreased in adults and adolescents. One major determinant of the reduction is occupational (work schedules and load). This reduction is associated and often correlated with an increased BMI, increased prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, accidents and psychiatric diseases. Our goal would be to more carefully observe total sleep time and sleep disorders in the general population of adults, children and specific groups of professional, shift workers, patients with chronic diseases or exposed to detrimental environment factors and patients with rare hypersomnia.
Our previous research has been and would be as well focused on better understanding the effects on sleep reduction on biological and psychological normal values in humans, based on specific sleep reduction laboratory studies in healthy volunteers.

Clinical expertise focus on several sleep disorders, mainly insomnia, sleep apnea, hypersomnia, sleepiness at the wheel, occupational medicine. More than 3000 sleep physiological recording are performed each year in the sleep center.

Je dors trop .fr


  • Title:  PhD Name:  Joelle ADRIEN Position:  Institution:  Email: 
  • Title:  PhD Name:  Thierry GALLOPIN Position:  Institution:  Email: 
  • Title:  PhD, MD Name:  Christian GUILLEMINAULT Position:  Institution:  Email: 
  • Title:  PhD, MD Name:  Maurice OHAYON Position:  Institution:  Email: 
  • Title:  PhD, MD Name:  Pierre PHILIP Position:  Institution:  Email: 
  • Title:  PhD, MD Name:  Maria Antonia QUERA SALVA Position:  Institution:  Email: