human studies: sleepiness in drivers; memory recall after daytime nap; forced sleepiness and forced waking; performance during mental fatigue and recovery afterdaytime nap. Special driving simulator, polygraphy and eye tracking are used
animal studies: sleep deprivation and memory recall in rats; MPTP model of Parkinson disease and sleep in mice; Morris water maze supplied with an automatic video recording and processing (Noldus EthoVision) are used for behavioral measurements; a carousel method of sleep deprivation is used; polygraphic registration in small rodents including Neurologgers is used
the study of the relation of hibernation and sleep is now started
Dorokhov V. B. ,Kozhedub R. G., Arsenyev G. N.,
Kozhechkin S. N.,Ukraintseva Yu. V. , Kulikov M. A., Manolov A. I., Kovalzon V. M. . Sleep Deprivation Effect upon Spatial Memory Consolidation in Rats after One Day Learning in a Morris Water Maze // J. Higher Nerv. Activ. 2011. V. 61.No.3. P.1–10. (In Russian)
Koval’zon V.M. Central mechanisms of the sleep–wakefulness cycle control // Human Physiology (Pleiades Publ.). 2011. V. 37. No. 4. Р. 500–508.
Dorokhov V.B., Kozhedub R.G., Arsenyev G.N., Kozhechkin S.N., Ukraintseva Yu.V., Kovalzon V.M. Sleep deprivation effect upon spatial memory consolidation in rats after 1-day learning in a Morris water maze // J. Sleep Res. 2010. V. 19. Suppl. 1. P. 91.
Dorokhov V.B., Arsenev G.N., Tkachenko O.N., Zakharchenko D.V., Lavrova T.P., Dementienko V.V. The psychomotor test for research of eye-hand coordination at performance of monotonous activity on tracking target. //Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova. 2011 Jul-Aug;61(4):476-84. Russian.
Ukraintseva Yu.V., Dorokhov V.B. [Effect of daytime nap on consolidation of declarative memory in humans. //Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova. 2011 Mar-Apr;61(2):161-9. Russian.
Dorokhov V.B., Kozhedub R.G., Arsenyev G.N., Kozhechkin S.N., Puchkova A.N.,Ukraintseva Yu.V., Dorokhov V.B., Kovalzon V.M. Effect of day time nap on human declarative memory recall. // J.Sleep Res. 2010. V.19. Suppl. 1. P.118.
Dorokhov VB, Verbitskaya YS, Lavrova TP. Auditory evoked potentials and impairments to psychomotor activity evoked by falling asleep. //Neurosci Behav Physiol. 2010 May;40(4):411-9. Epub 2010 Mar 26.
Strekalova T., Cespuglio R., Kovalzon V. Sleep structure during chronic stress and anhedonia in the mouse model of depression // Experimental Animal Models in Neurobehavioral Research / Eds. Kalueff A.V., LaPorte J.L. (Nova Science Publishers, N.Y.) 2009. P. 123-137. (ISBN 978-1-60692-022-0)
Kovalzon V.M. Peptide complexes and sleep // International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2008. Volume 69. Issue 3. Pages 154-155.