Our online MSc/ PgDip in Sleep Medicine will be launched in 2015.
Enquiries to Dr Chris Harvey (
Human: Clinical and behavioural assessment of sleep disorders, actigraphy, ambulatory PSG, online evaluations.
Animal: Equipment for in vivo electrophysiology, automated touchscreen set up for rodent behaviour, equipment for optogenetics, animal models of disease (at the Sleep, Brain and Behaviour Lab,;d=TkxP
1. Espie, C.A., Kyle, S.D, Williams, C., Ong, J.C., Douglas, N.J., Hames, P., Brown, J.S.L. (2012) A randomized, placebo-controlled, trial of online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for chronic Insomnia Disorder delivered via an automated media-rich web application. SLEEP, Vol. 35, No. 6, 769-781
2. Espie, C.A., Barrie, L.M., Forgan, G.S. (2012) Comparative investigation of the psychophysiological and idiopathic Insomnia Disorder phenotypes: psychological characteristics, patients’ perspectives and implications for clinical management. SLEEP, Vol. 35, No. 3, 385-393
3. Green, M., Benzeval, M., Espie, C.A., Hunt, K. (2012) The longitudinal course of insomnia symptoms: inequalities by gender and occupational class among two different age cohorts followed for 20 years in the West of Scotland. SLEEP 35, 815-823
4. Espie., C.A., Kyle, S.D., Hames, P., Cyhlarova E., Benzeval, M. (2012) The daytime impact of DSM-5 Insomnia Disorder: comparative analysis of insomnia subtypes from the Great British Sleep Survey (n=11,129) Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 73, e1478-e1484
5. Espie, C.A., Kyle, S.D., Hames, P., Gardani, M., Fleming, L., Cape, J. (2014). The Sleep Condition Indicator: a clinical screening tool to evaluate Insomnia Disorder. BMJOpen 4 (3): e004183
6. Vyazovskiy VV, Harris KD (2013) Sleep and the single neuron: the role of global slow oscillations in individual cell rest. Nat Rev Neurosci 14: 443-451.
7. Vyazovskiy VV, Olcese U, Hanlon EC, Nir Y, Cirelli C, et al. (2011) Local sleep in awake rats. Nature 472: 443-447.
8. Leemburg S, Vyazovskiy VV, Olcese U, Bassetti CL, Tononi G, et al. (2010) Sleep homeostasis in the rat is preserved during chronic sleep restriction. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107: 15939-15944.
9. Vyazovskiy VV, Olcese U, Lazimy YM, Faraguna U, Esser SK, et al. (2009) Cortical firing and sleep homeostasis. Neuron 63: 865-878.
10. Vyazovskiy VV, Cirelli C, Pfister-Genskow M, Faraguna U, Tononi G (2008) Molecular and electrophysiological evidence for net synaptic potentiation in wake and depression in sleep. Nature Neurosci 11: 200-208.
11. Freeman, D., Pugh, K., Vorontsova, N. & Southgate, L. (2009). Insomnia and paranoia. Schizophrenia Research, 108, 280-284.
12. Freeman, D., Pugh, K., Antley, A., Slater, M., Bebbington, P., Gittins, M., Dunn, G., Kuipers, E., Fowler, D., & Garety, P. A (2008). A virtual reality study of paranoid thinking in the general population. British Journal of Psychiatry, 192, 258-263.
13. Freeman, D. (2007). Suspicious minds: the psychology of persecutory delusions. Clinical Psychology Review, 27, 425-457.
14. Freeman, D., Garety, P.A., Kuipers, E., Fowler, D., & Bebbington, P.E. (2002). A cognitive model of persecutory delusions. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41, 331-347.
15. Garety, P.A. & Freeman, D. (1999). Cognitive approaches to delusions: a critical review of theories and evidence. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 38, 113-154.