Unitat de Son (US) – Hosp. Unv. Arnau de Vilanova – Hosp. Santa Maria

Unitat de Son (US) - Hosp. Unv. Arnau de Vilanova - Hosp. Santa Maria

Respiratory Department

Unitat de Son (US)

Contact: Ferran  
Position: Head of Respiratory Department
Address: Alcalde Rovira Roure 44, 25198
City: Lleida
Country: Spain
Phone: 973 727222
Contact Email: Contact laboratory
RESEARCH DOMAIN: Clinical, Basic Human
KEYWORDS: Molecular Biology-Endocrinology-Biochemistry, Sleep and Medical Disorders, Epidemiology of Sleep


Laboratory Description:

Our area of expertise is cardiovascular problems in OSA patients.

We are interested to evaluate de effect of OSA in the incidence of cardiovascular disease and to evaluate different therapeutic options. To this end we use telemonitoring systems and epidemiological tours.

We study the pathogenic mechanism that relates OSA to metabolic disturbances and cardiovascular problems.

We study biological markers related to oxidative stress, sympathetic activation endothelial dysfunction and inflammation. We also investigate the molecular and genetic bases and susceptibility of those alterations in OSA patients

Additional Descriptors, Keywords:

obstruction sleep
cardiovascular risk
acute myocardial infarction

KEY Publications of the Laboratory:

1. Durán-Cantolla J, Aizpuru F, Montserrat JM, Ballester E, Terán-Santos J, Aguirregomoscorta JI, Gonzalez M, Lloberes P, Masa JF, De La Peña M, Carrizo S, Mayos M, Barbé F; Spanish Sleep and Breathing Group. Continuous positive airway pressure as treatment for systemic hypertension in people with obstructive sleep apnoea: randomised controlled trial. BMJ. 2010 Nov 24;341:c5991. doi: 10.1136/bmj.c5991.PMID: 21106625

2. Cano-Pumarega I, Durán-Cantolla J, Aizpuru F, Miranda-Serrano E, Rubio R, Martínez-Null C, de Miguel J, Egea C, Cancelo L, Alvarez A, Fernández-Bolaños M, Barbé F. Obstructive sleep apnea and systemic hypertension: longitudinal study in the general population: the vitoria sleep cohort. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011 Dec 1;184(11):1299-304. Epub 2011 Aug 25. PMID: 21868499

3. Ferran Barbé, MD; Joaquín Durán-Cantolla, MD; Manuel Sánchez-de-la-Tore, Phd; Montserrat Martínez-Alonso, BSc(Stat); Carmen Carmona, MD; Antonia Barceló, MD; Eusebi Chiner, MD; Juan F.Masa, MD; Mónica Gonzalez, MD; JoseM.Marín, MD; Francisco Garcia-Rio; MD; Josefa Diaz de Atauri, MD; Joaquín Terán, MD; Mercedes Mayos, MD; Mónica de la Peña, MD; Carmen Monasterio, MD; Felix del Campo; MD; Josep M. Montserrat, MD; for the Spanish Sleep an Breathing Network. Effect of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure on the Incidente of hipertension and Cardiovascular Events in Nonsleepy Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Title and subTitle BreakA Randomized Controllet TrialCpap and Hypertension and Cardiovascular Events. Jama.2012;307(20)2161-2168. doi: 10.1001/jama.2012.4366

4. José M.Marin, MD; Alvar Agusti, MD; Isabel Villar, PhD; Marta Forner; PhD; David Nieto, MD; Santiago J.Carrizo, MD; Ferran Barbé, MD; Eugenio Vicente, MD; Ying Wei, PhD; F. Javier Nieto, MD, PhD; Sanja Jelic, MD. Association Between Treated and Untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Risk of Hipertension Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Risk of Hypertension. JAMA. 2012;307(20):2169-2176.doi:10.1001/jama.2012.3418

5. Sánchez-de-la-Torre, M; Campos-Rodriguez F; Barbé F. Obstructive sleep apnoea and cardiovascular disease. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 61 – 72, March 2013. 10.1016/S2213-2600(12)70051-6