Call for Sleep Europe 2024 Poster Walk Chairs
The 27th congress of the ESRS, Sleep Europe 2024, will be held in Seville, Spain, 24-27 September. An important aspect of this congress is the hundreds of posters which will be displayed over the course of 3 days.
During the poster sessions at Sleep Europe 2024, the Early Career Network (ECN) Committee will organise poster walks to allow researchers to showcase their posters. For the poster walks, we are still looking for people who would like to lead and chair one of the walks.
During the walk, you will visit 10-15 posters during the first hour of a poster session, moderate the presentations and short discussions, and take care of the timing. We invite early-career researchers and clinicians as well as more senior colleagues to chair a poster walk.
If you are interested in chairing a poster walk, please let us know using the form below.