Call for the position of Chair of the Sleep Medicine Committee
The scope of the position
The purpose of the ESRS is to promote research on sleep and sleep-related areas, improve the care for patients with sleep disorders, and facilitate the dissemination of information regarding sleep research and sleep medicine. In accordance with the policy to appoint members for new positions, the ESRS announces the vacancy for the position of chair of the Sleep Medicine Committee (SMC).
The SMC is a formal body of the ESRS. Its mission is to promote clinical sleep medicine as an integrated multidisciplinary field and as a healthcare discipline in its own right, accessible for healthcare providers from different professional backgrounds. The SMC creates added value for practitioners in several areas of interest. The themes that have been found most relevant for clinical sleep medicine have been assigned to working groups within the committee (see below).
The task of the chair of the SMC is to lead the activities of the committee. For that purpose, the chair of the SMC will interact with the members of the SMC and with the ESRS board. A plenary meeting by videoconference with all the members of the SMC is to be scheduled approximately every two months, at least 4 times a year. The chair of the SMC will be supported by a secretarial assistant from the ESRS office for the organization and reporting of these meetings. The chair of the SMC is assisted by a co-chair. The co-chair of the SMC takes over the duties of the chair of the SMC upon the latter’s absence or incapacity.
The work of the SMC is assigned to thematic working groups, led by project managing members, who produce content and materials relevant for clinical sleep medicine. Currently, there are five working groups dealing with the following subjects:
- Guidelines and other practice-related publications
- Paediatric sleep medicine
- Organisation and accreditation of sleep medicine practice
- Credentialing of sleep medicine professionals
- ESRS website content related to sleep medicine
The chair of the SMC coordinates and integrates the tasks of the working groups but is not obliged to directly contribute to their activities.
The chair of the SMC will collect the annual budget estimations from the working groups and will compose a global budget for the entire committee. This global budget will be presented to the ESRS board for approval.
The chair of the SMC interacts with other committees of the ESRS and, if required, with other parties.
The chair of the SMC reports to the ESRS board on a regular basis.
This position will be assigned for a period in between two business meetings of the ESRS, which is approximately two years. Re-election is possible for only one period. Thereafter, a new chair is to be elected. The past chair of the SMC automatically becomes co-chair and keeps this position during the chairmanship of her/his successor.
Eligibility and voting procedure
The candidate:
- is a full member of the ESRS,
- has a visible track record in clinical sleep medicine,
- has experience with leading groups,
- is supported by endorsement letters from two full members of the ESRS, who have affinity with clinical sleep medicine.
The chair of the SMC will be elected by simple majority via an electronic voting procedure made available on the ESRS website.
Applications should be received not later than August 15, 2022.
The voting will be carried out in the first two weeks of September.
The group of persons entitled to vote consists of all the members of the SMC, including the chair, co-chair, ex officio, liaison, project managing and advisory members.
List of current SMC members, representing the electorate of the SMC.