
Call for applications for membership in the ESRS Basic Sleep Research Committee

Basic human and animal sleep research is an integral part of the ESRS, which the Society is committed to support. A proposal has been put forward by the ESRS members to establish a new ESRS Basic Sleep Research Committee (BSRC), which will be tasked to promote European discovery research that provides fundamental insights into sleep physiology, mechanisms, evolution and functions. The BSRC will be one of the constituent Committees of the ESRS, and will be subject to general rules and policies as described in the bylaws applicable to all ESRS committees. 

The key proposed goals of the BSRC will include:

  • establishing standards in methodology, advancing diversity of topics and systems, networking and cooperation between basic sleep researchers within the ESRS
  • ensuring a strong representation of the variety of basic research topics at the Sleep Europe meetings and other ESRS events
  • facilitating collaboration between the ESRS and other societies with sleep-related research areas such as chronobiology and neuroscience 

The BSRC will support the ESRS board, the ESRS administration, and other ESRS committees. It will provide a platform for exchange between scientists researching sleep in humans and animals under laboratory conditions and in their ecological environment using different experimental approaches and mathematical modelling, beyond individual labs and national borders. In the long term, the BSRC will ensure a strong foundation for collaborative and interdisciplinary sleep research in Europe, creating new knowledge, fostering education, and informing translational and clinical research


We invite applications from researchers with diverse backgrounds and aim for a representation of different research areas and model systems, career levels and countries. Please submit a short (2-page) CV and a brief (max 500 words) statement outlining your motivation and specific qualifications suitable for the membership in the BSRC Committee. We seek to create a professional committee with members having strong interest and background in relevant activities, such as education, data management, project administration, communication etc. Applications will be considered by the Board, and you may be asked to provide further information in support of your candidacy. 

 Closing date: 30 September 2024, 23:59 CEST