Statement from the ESRS Board on the situation in Ukraine

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

This month begins in the shadow of an unsettling time in Europe. It is with extreme sadness and trepidation that the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) addresses the ongoing attacks in Ukraine. As a society of scientists and health care professionals, we support peaceful cooperation and cannot tolerate the use of violence. We hope for a peaceful resolution to this conflict.

In support of our colleagues who have already been personally and professionally displaced, we ask you to consider contributing to organisations which are setting up relief efforts to help civilian casualties and refugees in the regionUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees- The UN Refugee Agency and the WHO Foundation both have active campaigns.

We remain hopeful for a peaceful conclusion to this crisis and in the meantime implore both sides to ensure humanitarian and medical aid can reach those who need it, regardless of allegiance. Respect and peace must prevail in the scientific community.

In the name of science, we continue with our normally scheduled programme of supporting the Sleep community across Europe and globally. You will find more information about upcoming ESRS Education and related events below and on the Events Calendar.

Kind Regards,

Pierre-Hervé Luppi
ESRS President

Research Grant Supporting Ukrainians

The ESRS recently created this research grant in light of the ongoing situation in Ukraine. In support of Ukrainians leaving (or who have left) Ukraine due to the conflict, we are offering a 3-month grant to support a study stay at a European institution.