While in Amsterdam, the ESRS Board also came together for a full day Board meeting and met with some of our corporate members as well as meeting with the ANSS. As you hopefully already know, one of the immediate outcomes of the Board meeting was the announcement of Best Abstract Awards for eSleep Europe. We hope these new awards will be well received and will provide well deserved recognition for the work that our members are doing. To acknowledge this achievement, the ESRS will offer a complimentary registration to Sleep Europe 2024 as part of each award.
The abstract deadline for eSleep Europe has now passed and we are pleased to have received high quality abstracts for ESRS`s first planned virtual congress. Thank you for sending in your work. Over the past month, the programme has really come together, and I invite you to check out the latest additions and register for eSleep now. Free registration is a benefit of membership for ESRS members and all members of national sleep societies (ESRS Associate membes). Moreover, there is no need to plan travel, so why wait? I am personally most excited for the Basic Animal track, but I acknowledge I have a bias here.
ESRS also participated in the Sleep Revolution General Assembly (GA) at Reykjavik University in Iceland. While I was not personally involved, ESRS is a partner in this Horizon 2020 project which is already halfway through its 4-year mandate. Many ESRS members are actively working in the Sleep Revolution, the project has 39 partners in 18 countries total. The GA provided a platform to prepare the upcoming ESADA studies in which 24 centers are taking part. Furthermore, all participants discussed project progress and shared ideas about how to enhance further collaboration between participants and about the future of the Sleep Revolution. There have already been several publications from the Sleep Revolution which are catalogued by year on the ESRS website under the Research Networks. This will remain the place for Sleep Revolution updates within ESRS and a direct link to the project`s homepage.
Lastly, in line with ESRS's mission to promote the research and discoveries of our esteemed members, we would like to extend an invitation. If you have recently published an article or conducted research that you would like to include or feature in our weekly Sleep Science Friday Newsletter, reach out to us at esrs@esrs.eu. Your contributions are highly valued, and we eagerly anticipate showcasing your work to our dedicated audience.
Kind Regards,
Pierre-Hervé Luppi
ESRS President