
ESRS Newsletter June 2023

Events Calendar
eSleep Europe FREE Registration
Sleep Science Friday

President's Message June 2023

Dear Friends and Colleagues, 

As we enter June, I want to take a minute to reflect on recent ESRS happenings. First, the annual ANSS Presdent`s Meeting took place in Amsterdam. I was once again inspired by the national society presentations and want to formally acknowledge the best presentation winners as voted by the ANSS representatives. First place went to Latvia, second place to the United Kingdom and third place was shared by Croatia and France.

While in Amsterdam, the ESRS Board also came together for a full day Board meeting and met with some of our corporate members as well as meeting with the ANSS. As you hopefully already know, one of the immediate outcomes of the Board meeting was the announcement of Best Abstract Awards for eSleep Europe. We hope these new awards will be well received and will provide well deserved recognition for the work that our members are doing. To acknowledge this achievement, the ESRS will offer a complimentary registration to Sleep Europe 2024 as part of each award.

The abstract deadline for eSleep Europe has now passed and we are pleased to have received high quality abstracts for ESRS`s first planned virtual congress. Thank you for sending in your work. Over the past month, the programme has really come together, and I invite you to check out the latest additions and register for eSleep now. Free registration is a benefit of membership for ESRS members and all members of national sleep societies (ESRS Associate membes). Moreover, there is no need to plan travel, so why wait? I am personally most excited for the Basic Animal track, but I acknowledge I have a bias here. 

ESRS also participated in the Sleep Revolution General Assembly (GA) at Reykjavik University in Iceland. While I was not personally involved, ESRS is a partner in this Horizon 2020 project which is already halfway through its 4-year mandate. Many ESRS members are actively working in the Sleep Revolution, the project has 39 partners in 18 countries total. The GA provided a platform to prepare the upcoming ESADA studies in which 24 centers are taking part. Furthermore, all participants discussed project progress and shared ideas about how to enhance further collaboration between participants and about the future of the Sleep Revolution. There have already been several publications from the Sleep Revolution which are catalogued by year on the ESRS website under the Research Networks. This will remain the place for Sleep Revolution updates within ESRS and a direct link to the project`s homepage. 

Lastly, in line with ESRS's mission to promote the research and discoveries of our esteemed members, we would like to extend an invitation. If you have recently published an article or conducted research that you would like to include or feature in our weekly Sleep Science Friday Newsletter, reach out to us at esrs@esrs.eu. Your contributions are highly valued, and we eagerly anticipate showcasing your work to our dedicated audience. 


Kind Regards, 

Pierre-Hervé Luppi 

ESRS President 

Latest ESRS News

Register for eSleep Europe 2023

Register for eSleep Europe 2023, an online exclusive congress, with over 25 topics spread across 6 non-parallel tracks, allowing attendees and presenters to join us from any part of the world without taking time off or booking any travel.

ANSS 2023 Annual President`s Meeting

Sleep Revolution 2023 General Assembly

ESRS and Sleep Revolution Symposium at WSC

The ESRS and Sleep Revolution will host a symposium on consumer sleep technology (CST) at the World Sleep Society Congress. It focuses on validating and evaluating CST, promoting best practices in development and testing. The symposium features five lectures by experienced researchers from different countries, covering CST conceptualization, validation guidelines, and challenges in sleep trackers and apnea monitors. This symposium will be an important way to spread the word about the relevance of investing in good research practices on the development, validation, and performance evaluation of CSTs. 
See the Schedule
Member Benefits

Sleep & Breathing Recordings

If you weren't able to attend all of the presentations or wish to view them again, you can now log in and access the recordings of Sleep and Breathing 2023.
Watch Now
Upcoming Events
The 9th annual congress of the European Academy of Neurology will be taking place from 1-4 July 2023. Set in the heart of Europe, Budapest combines a rich scientific legacy with the Hungarian Neurological Society's dedication to promoting collaboration. This congress guarantees an extraordinary experience for neurologists across Europe. Don't miss this unforgettable event!
The ERS Congress is the once-a-year occasion when the world’s respiratory experts come together, to present and discuss the latest scientific and clinical advances across the entire field of respiratory medicine.
It welcomes a global audience of respiratory focused professionals inclusive of clinicians, scientists and researchers, and allied healthcare professionals.

As the ERS Congress reaches its 33rd year, ERS invites you to register for this year’s event in-person or online attendance. 
The FENS Forum is Europe’s largest neuroscience congress, covering all areas of neuroscience from basic to translational research. FENS Forum 2024 will feature an exciting programme of plenary and special lectures, scientific symposia, technical workshops, special interest events, career development and networking opportunities and so much more!
View the entire ESRS Events Calendar for more activities.
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