
ESRS Newsletter November 2024


President's Message November 2024

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I hope you are gradually settling back into your routines after the vibrant and engaging Sleep Europe Congress. The event was truly a nexus of scientific discovery and collaboration, filled with extraordinary energy. The engaging discussions and groundbreaking research left us all feeling inspired, motivated, and more connected than ever. 

As we look ahead, I am pleased to announce the eSleep Europe 2025, ESRS Virtual Congress, which will take place in an innovative, year-round format. This new approach reflects our dedication to offering continuous learning and collaboration opportunities for our community. We are currently finalising the programme, and registration will be available soon. 

Equally exciting is the forthcoming Sleep and Breathing Conference. Registration is currenly open, and the preliminary programme is available here

On another note, I’m proud to share that we’ve officially signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) and the Sleep Research Society (SRS). This is a major milestone that sets the stage for even greater collaboration in sleep and circadian research across the Atlantic. Although our societies operate in distinct geographical regions, our goals are both complementary and mutually reinforcing. This partnership will enable us to deliver greater value through joint initiatives in research, events, and educational programmes. 

Thank you for your continued dedication and contributions to the field. I look forward to engaging with you further as we advance our collective mission. 

Kind regards, 

Erna Sif Arnardóttir


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