
Newsletters 2018 Archive

  • September 2018
    In the course of the upcoming Business Meeting in Basel, new members for the Board and Scientific Committee will need to be elected.
  • August 2018
    We are now rapidly approaching the dates of our Congress in Basel and all indications are that this will be a highly successful meeting. The registration statistics indicate that we are on track to approximate the record attendance at our last Congress in Bologna and the Scientific Programme promises a highly rewarding and varied content.
  • July 2018
    Dear Colleagues and Friends, I hope members are enjoying a relaxing summer and fine weather as a welcome
    change from the past winter.
  • March 2018
    With a new record of 1’037 submitted abstracts and 1’903 participants from 64 countries the ESRS congress in Bologna in 2016 was very successful. Building on this great success, we are now looking forward to the 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society from 25-28 September 2018 in Basel, Switzerland.