
Sleep Europe 2024 Highlights Advances in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Regensburg, Germany-  Leading researchers on sleep disorders will present the latest data at the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS)´s 27th Congress, Sleep Europe 2024. ESRS accepted more than 1700 scientific abstracts, which include the latest studies that will spotlight advances in research in multiple categories, such as pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments, circadian rhythms, and sleep technology. This year`s meeting is set to bring together over 3200 sleep specialists from around the world in Seville, Spain with additional participants joining the meeting digitally. View the Scientific Programme.

“The research being presented at Sleep Europe 2024 illustrates the real progress is being made toward understanding and treating sleep / wake disorders” Said Dr. Pierre-Hervé Luppi, ESRS President, Research Director at the CNRS and head of the team « SLEEP» of the centre of Neuroscience of Lyon: UMR 5292 CNRS/U1028 INSERM at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), France. “We are excited to be presenting such a broad spectrum of data across basic and clinical specialities. This year, we want to highlight never before presented trial results in the neurology track.”

The following abstracts will be presented at Sleep Europe:

Oral Presentations

The Orexin 2 Receptor Agonist ALKS 2680 in Patients with Narcolepsy Type 2: An Initial Proof of Concept Phase 1b Study
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation, corresponding poster (ID P200)
Room: Auditorium 1
Date: Wednesday, 25 Sep, 08:00 – 08:10 CEST
Presented by: Ron Grunstein, M.D., Ph.D., Woolcock Institute of Medical Research
This research was funded by Alkermes.

Efficacy and safety of TAK-861, an oral orexin receptor 2 agonist, in individuals with narcolepsy type 2: Results from phase 2 studies
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation, corresponding poster (ID P1291)
Room: Auditorium 1
Date: Friday, 27 Sep, 08:00 – 08:10 CEST
Presented by: Emmanuel Mignot, M.D. Ph.D., Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine, Stanford University
This research was funded by Takeda.

TAK-861 improves cognitive impairments in patients with narcolepsy type 1
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation, corresponding poster (ID P1257)
Room: Auditorium 1
Date: Friday, 27 Sep, 08:10 – 08:20 CEST
Presented by: Giuseppe Plazzi, M.D. Ph.D., of the IRCCS – Institute of Neurological Sciences and University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
This research was funded by Takeda.

Poster Presentations

Long-term safety and efficacy of TAK-861 in individuals with narcolepsy type 1: Results from an interim analysis of a dose-blinded extension study
Presentation Type: Poster (ID P759)
Room: Poster Exhibition
Date: Thursday, 26 Sep.
Presented by: Emmanuel Mignot, M.D. Ph.D., Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine, Stanford University
This research was funded by Takeda.

Idiopathic Hypersomnia
The Orexin 2 Receptor Agonist ALKS 2680 in Patients with Idiopathic Hypersomnia: An Initial Proof of Concept Phase 1b Study
Presentation Type: Poster (ID P5070)
Room: Poster Exhibition, Late Breaking
Date: Thursday, 26 Sep.
This research was funded by Alkermes.

Reduced heart rate variability and increased vascular stiffness during sleep are associated with diabetes in the population-based SCAPIS study
Session-Type: Poster Session
Presentation-Type: Poster (ID P1435)
Room: Poster Exhibition
Date: Friday, 27 Sep.
Presented by: Christian Strassberger (Gothenburg, Sweden)

About ESRS
The European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) is an international scientific non-profit organisation whose mission is to:
• promote all aspects of sleep research and sleep medicine
• improve the care for patients with sleep disorders
• facilitate the dissemination of information regarding sleep research and sleep medicine

The ESRS aims to serve as the voice of sleep and integrate all important European players with an interest in sleep research and sleep medicine at the basic and medical, as well as graduate and postgraduate level, including individual researchers, National sleep societies, and patient organisations.

Media Resources
Members of the media are invited to register and attend Sleep Europe onsite or digitally for free. Please choose Press registration and be prepared to upload credentials.

Daily newsletters will be published throughout the congress and posted on the ESRS website under Latest News.

Jennifer Thomsen, ESRS Executive Manager jennifer.thomsen@esrs.eu