ESRS 2020 Friday Update (28 Aug 2020)
Sleep Science Friday
Yes! It’s Friday! Grab a coffee/tea/beer/wine and end your week with a quick recap of Sleep Science News and ESRS updates!
ESRS 2020 Friday Update (28 Aug 2020)
Happy Friday everyone! Just a short update on ESRS news this Friday as we countdown to #ESRS2020 on Sept 22 – 24 2020. Due to COVID-19, the 25th Congress of the ESRS goes Virtual—so you can attend (even in your pajamas) from anywhere worldwide.
For Spanish speakers, #ESRS2020 will be a joint congress with the Spanish Sleep Society. Both meetings are coordinated in parallel; attendants can participate in both meetings with only one registration. Keynote speakers from #ESRS2020 will have Spanish translations. We will also have poster sessions, teaching courses, networking lounges, and a stream for early career researchers.
Check out our full #ESRS2020 Scientific Programme on our website. Abstracts will be published on 8 Sept 2020.
All ESRS members are invited to participate in the ESRS Business Meeting and without registration for the ESRS Congress. Although, we still encourage members to partake in the full Virtual Congress (Sept 22-24), with fees reduced at 50% of the normal cost. The invitation and agenda for the Business Meeting was sent to ESRS members (please get in contact if you have not received an invitation and are an ESRS member).
During the #ESRS2020’s Business Meeting, we will also be voting for new Board and Scientific Committee Members! A separate meeting (TBD) will be held for ESRS Early Career Researcher Network (ECRN) members to vote for new ECRN Board members. Please see here for further details on submitting nominations for open positions, which we look forward to receiving. Deadlines are quickly approaching!
Not a member yet? Apply here and see our wide range of benefits, including a yearly online subscription to the Journal of Sleep Research, automatic membership to the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), support for early career researchers via the ECRN, the ESRS Newsletter, and more.
For Sleep Science News, as we learn more about COVID-19, certain underlying health conditions are associated with increased susceptibility and worse outcomes. Specifically, respiratory disorders, including obstructive sleep apnea (on the susceptibility side of COVID-19) and lung damage, with a long road to recovery requiring lung rehabilitation in some patients (on the convalescence side). Tune in next week for a longer update on what COVID-19 means for sleep and respiratory disorders.
In the meantime, want to know more about sleep and respiratory disorders? We will be hosting the following sessions at #ESRS2020 (see our full programme for poster sessions):
- Round Table 1: Implementation of the EU directives on sleep apnea and insomnia (Chaired by M. Partinen, Helsinki, FI) – 22.09.2020, 17:30 – 18:00
- Rationale of the EU Directive on sleep apnea – what needs to be done? (W. McNicholas, Dublin, IE)
- Insomnia and use of hypnotics related to driving fitness (S. Garbarino, Genoa, IT)
- Clinical and paraclinical markers of fitness to drive: implementation into health care (P. Philip, Bordeaux Cedex, FR)
- Measuring sleepiness in professional drivers: implementation into tranportation companies? (M. Partinen, Helsinki, FI)
- Spanish/ESRS symposia: Respiratory (Chaired by A. Iranzo, ES and W. McNicholas, Dublin, IE) – 23.09.2020, 12:30 – 13:30
- Epidemiological and Pathophysiological link between sleep apnoea and cancer (I. Almendros, Barcelona, ES)
- The clinical importance of the association between sleep apnoea and cancer (D. Gozal, US)
- The diagnosis of REM sleep behavior disorder. How and how not to make it (B. Högl, Innsbruck, AT)
- REM sleep behaviour disorder as an opportunity to prevent Parkinson disease (A. Iranzo, ES)
- Joint ESRS – ERS Symposium: Challenges and Perspectives in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) – time for change? (Chaired by W. McNicholas, Dublin, IE and S. Schiza, Heraklion, GR) – 24.09.2020, 10:00 – 11:00
- Is AHI the best marker of disease severity (D. Pevernagie, Gent, BE)
- Co-morbidities in OSA – are they really a consequence of the disorder? Do they determine outcome? (M. Bonsignore, Palermo, IT)
- New approaches to disease stratification in OSA. (W. Randerath, Solingen, DE)
- Mild OSA – when and how to treat (W. McNicholas, Dublin, IE)
- Convergence of medical and dental sleep medicine: moving toward a distinct interdisciplinary field (Chaired by G. Lavigne, Montreal, CA with opening remarks) – 24.09.2020, 12:30 – 13:30
- CPAP or oral appliances for OSA: time for a personalised approach (P. Cistulli, Sydney, AU)
- Sleep bruxism and sleep comorbidities: a dental-medical perspective (G. Aarab, Amsterdam, NL)
- What machine learning can teach us: overlap or not between insomnia, sleep apnea and sleep bruxism (C. Dal Fabbro, Sao Paulo, BR)
- Challenges in dental sleep medicine for the 2020 Decade: a PhD student perspective (A. Herrero Babiloni, Montreal, CA)
- From pathophysiology to targeted treatment of OSA: CPAP and new emerging modalities? (Chaired by V. Koka, Paris, FR) – 09.24.2020, 13:45 – 14:45
- The multifaceted picture of OSA: can pathophysiological, polysomnographic or clinical characteristics guide treatment? (W. Randerath, Solingen, DE)
- Insides from evolving phenotyping tools: emerging targeted nonCPAP therapies (V. Koka, Paris, FR)
- Rationale for CPAP treatment, predictors of adherence and evaluation criteria of success (J. Vaz de Castro, Lisboa, PT)
- Reconsider the rationale for mandibular advancement splits and surgical therapy: individualized treatment from preselection to multimodal concepts (A. De Vito, Forli, IT)
- Something new under the sun: metabolic dysfunction in OSA (Chaired by T. Saaresranta, Turku, FI and I. Almendros, Barcelona, ES) – 09.24.2020, 15:00 – 16:00
- Microbiome and OSA (I. Almendros, Barcelona, ES)
- Cerebral metabolism and OSA (C. Liguori, Rome, IT)
- Carotid body, intermittent hypoxia and metabolism (J.F. Sacramento, Lisbon, PT)
- Hyperlipidaemia and OSA (O. Basoglu, Izmir, TR)
- Keynote Lecture: Circulating exosomes and morbidity of obstructive sleep apnea: effectors, biomarkers, both? (D. Gozal, US) – 24.09.2020, 16:30 – 17:15
- Does CPAP reduce cardiovascular risk in patients with OSA? Where do we go from here? (Chaired by A. Pack, Philadelphia, US) – 24.09.2020, 18:30 -19:30
- Overview of issues in randomized control trials of cardiovascular outcomes with CPAP
- Developing new approaches to randomized trials of CPAP (S. Javaheri, Cincinnati, US)
- What is propensity score matching? (G. Maislin, Philadelphia, US)
- Applying propensity score matching to study effects of CPAP on cardiovascular events (B. Singh, Perth, AU)
- European Network Session: Sleep Apnea (Chaired by J. Verbraecken, Antwerp, BE and M. van Zeller, Oporto, PT) – 24.09.2020, 19:45 – 20:45
- Sleep apnea management in Europe – an update 10 years ahead (N. Laharnar, DE)
- Cluster analysis of OSA phenotypes in the ESADA cohort (S. Bailly, Grenoble, FR)
- Use of the novel “Baveno classification” in a large European patient sample – clinical validity (W. Randerath, Solingen, DE)
- COVID-19 related shut down and proposed reopening of sleep apnea services in Europe (M. Bonsignore, Palermo, IT)
To see more talks and posters on sleep, sleep medicine, and sleep disorders—don’t forget to register. We hope you enjoy the weekend and last weeks of summer!
Just published an article? Want your research to be featured? Saw something interesting? Contact: doris.wu [ at ]