
Novel oxygen desaturation parameters are associated with cardiac troponin I

Picture of Dr. Fjola Sigurdardottir

Dr. Fjola Sigurdardottir

Medical Doctor & Researcher, Department of Cardiology, Akershus University Hospital, Norway

Fjola Sigurdardottir and colleagues recently published a paper looking at different cardiac troponins and their association with oxygen saturation in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients, “Novel oxygen desaturation parameters are associated with cardiac troponin I: Data from the Akershus Sleep Apnea Project”. Dr. Kate Porcheret from the ESRS’s Digital & Communications Committee sat with her to discuss their work further. 

This paper was born out of an interest to look at novel desaturation parameters, as more (and better) parameters of OSA are needed to predict adverse outcomes. 

Cardiac troponins are sensitive and specific markers of myocardial injury and were used as a surrogate endpoint to look at the association between novel desaturation parameters and cardiac troponins, and seeing whether these new desaturation parameters for OSA were any better than the apnoea-hypoxia index (AHI) in predicting higher subclinical myocardial injury.  

Using data from the Akershus Sleep Apnoea Project, 498 participants who had valid sleep measurements, and/or cardiac troponin measurements were included in the current study.  

Looking at the re-scored polysomnography’s for novel desaturation parameters was done first, to determine whether the new obstructive sleep apnoea parameters were associated with cardiac troponins because it is known from previous studies that there have been reported associations between apnoea-hypopnea index and cardiac troponins. 

Secondly, they wanted to compare these novel parameters with the apnoea-hypopnea index to see if there was any difference in how well they predicted higher subclinical myocardial injury. 

To find out more on the results of the study, watch the entire interview below and read the entire publication here. 

ESRS Reminders

2023 ESRS Grants & Fellowships

The ESRS is pleased to announce that applications are officially opened for several funding opportunities for 2023. We will offer 2 short-term research fellowships, 6 meetings and courses fellowships, 1 two-week training grant and 6 sleep medicine examination grants for ESRS members. Deadline: 31 January 2023. Apply today.

2023 Sleep Medicine Examination

The 12th Examination of Certification in Sleep Medicine and the 10th Examination of Certification in Sleep Medicine for Sleep Technologists will take place as an online examination in September 2023. Applications are now being accepted until 31 January 2023. More information.

2023 Sleep Science School

The theme of the fourth edition of the ESRS Sleep Science School to be held in Frejus, France, 24-29 September 2023 will be REM Sleep. The Chairs are currently working on the programme to be published in early 2023. The most up to date information can be found on the ESRS website.

Sleep & Breathing 2023 – Registration Open

Register before 6 February 2023 to secure your place at Sleep and Breathing in Prague, Czech Republic, 20-22 April 2023 at early-bird rates. Join us for an array of symposia, skills workshops, meet-the-experts, debates and hot topic sessions with experts from the ESRS and ERS. Register today.

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  3. Kunz et al. (2022). Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of Daridorexant in Patients with Insomnia Disorder. CNS Drugs. 
  4. Pizza et al. (2022). Multidisciplinary care of patients with narcolepsy during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Italy via televisit: the TElemedicine for NARcolepsy feasibility study. Sleep. 
  5. Pack et al. (2022). SLEEP: Next Steps. Sleep. 
  6. Baumert et al. (2022). Sleep characterization with smart wearable devices: a call for standardization and consensus recommendations. Sleep. 
  7. Schmidt & Bassetti (2022). Gender differences in narcolepsy: What are recent findings telling us? Sleep. 
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