Sleep Science School 2023 – Advanced Payment 250,00 EUR
The fourth edition of the ESRS Sleep Science School will focus on “REM/Paradoxial Sleep”, and will be held again at the CNRS Villa Clythia site in the city of Frejus at the Mediterranean Sea (South France), from 24 September to 29 September 2023. ESRS President Pierre-Hervé Luppi, Vice President (Basic) Vladyslav Vyazovskiy and Past President Philippe Peigneux will coordinate this edition.
The programme will be highly proactive and aimed at a maximal involvement of participants. It will include in-depth lectures by a faculty of international sleep experts on topics related to the functions of sleep (both human and animal work), together with the presentation and discussion of the participants’ own research. The agenda will also include interactive workshop sessions aimed at writing research grants and proposals, and in-depth exchanges between early career and experienced researchers. Importantly, faculty members will be present during the entire week, participate in the group activities, and be available for theoretical and practical discussions with early career researchers.
Confirmed faculty members are international sleep experts Vladyslav Vyazovskiy (United Kingdom), Pierre-Hervé Luppi (France), Gianina Ungurean (Germany), Giovanna Zoccoli (Italy), Isabelle Arnulf (France), Philippe Peigneux (Belgium), Hiroki Ueda (Japan), Gina Poe (United States of America)