March 2014 – Reports – ESRS ANSS EU Committee
Published in ESRS Newsletter March 2018
ESRS EU Committee
Members (2012 – 2014):
Roberto Amici (Chair), Diego Garcia Borreguero (Co-Chair), Marta Gonçalves, Damien Leger, Dieter Riemann
(December 2013 – March 2014)
The main aims of the Committee are: i) to bring the topics of “sleep” and “sleep disorders” to the attention of the EU in order to receive support for research and teaching activities; ii) to promote sleep-related issues from a political point of view at a European and National level.
Following the big achievements of 2013 (Wake-up bus project, Meeting at the EU Parliament in Brussels, Meeting “Networking to Understand Sleep Functions and Dysfunctions -The European Basic and Clinical Sleep Research Towards Horizon 2020”, within the EU “Month of the Brain” program) the organization and duties of the Committee are under revision in order to make a further step forward in the relationship between the ESRS and the EU.
According to this, the possibility to enlarge the Committee, giving to every member a precise responsibility in strengthening the relationship between the different ESRS Committees and the four major pillars of interest for ESRS within the EU (i.e. Health, Research, Education, and Road Safety) will be discussed in the next ESRS Board meeting. Furthermore, new modalities of interaction between the EU Committee and the National Sleep Societies will be proposed during the forthcoming ANSS meeting in order to better homogenize and synchronize the efforts aimed at increasing the visibility of sleep research and sleep medicine in Europe.
Roberto Amici