March 2013 – Assembly of National Sleep Societies (ANSS)
Published in: ESRS Newsletter, March 2013
Assembly of National Sleep Societies (ANSS) and the Executive Committee (EC)
The EC of the ANSS has recently met in Amsterdam (November 2012) and in Munich (February 2013). The activities can be summarised as follows:
- A) Collaboration in the Wake Up Bus Project – a joint activity of the ANSS, the EU committee and the ESRS board.
- B) Preparation of the upcoming Annual ANSS meeting in Copenhagen. The program and organisational details have been sent to the national presidents and the board.
- C) Evaluation of the data regarding Accreditation and Certification of Sleep Medicine Services in Europe (longitudinal analysis). A written report is under final preparation.
- D) Reimbursement of Sleep Medicine Services: Data from a questionnaire distributed to the National Sleep Societies within the ANSS has been evaluated; a written report is under preparation. Further information is necessary to strengthen the analysis.
- E) The presentation of the National Sleep Societies on the ESRS webpage has been improved and will be implemented soon.
- F) The budget of the ANSS activities for 2012 and during the time period 2009-2012 has been analysed. A budget for the upcoming term has been compiled.
Ludger Grote, Chair
on behalf of the Executive Committee, Assembly of National Sleep Societies