March 2014 – Assembly of National Sleep Societies (ANSS)
Assembly of National Sleep Societies (ANSS)
November 2013 to March 2014
The EC of the ANSS has met in Valencia (March 2014) and had frequent contacts via e-mail and telephone conferences (December 2013 and February 2014). The activities can be summarized as follows:
Our main activity is the ongoing preparation for the Annual ANNS meeting in Graz, Austria, together with the ESRS board and relevant ESRS committees. All presidents or representatives of the National Sleep Societies – please register for the meeting on Friday the 2nd of May until Sunday the 4th of May 2014 and inform Stefan Mihaicuta ( ) and Wolfgang Mallin ( ). The detailed programme will be available on the ESRS website.
Our second focus is on the finalization of several status reports regarding education, certification and reimbursement of sleep medicine services in Europe. For the reimbursement project we have involved a health economist at the University of Stavanger, Norway. This work is in progress and we plan to present the most recent data at the ANSS Graz meeting in May 2014.
Further activities: The sleep study results are presented at meeting and a manuscript is under preparation (MG). The Wake Up Bus Project and the structure and achievements of the ANSS within the ESRS were presented at the regional meeting of 12 Eastern and Central European countries in Belgrade (February 2014, LG).The update of the ANSS information on the ESRS webpage with regard to the ANSS has been further processed (MDG, JP). The major developments will be presented on the website.
New ANSS member: Slovakia has been accepted as a member of the ANSS and we welcome the Sleep Society of Slovakia with its president Professor Imrich Mucska!
Michaela D Gjerstad, Marta Goncalves, Stefan Mihaicuta, Javier Puertas, Ludger Grote
Executive Committee, Assembly of National Sleep Societies
ANSS meeting in Copenhagen 2013