March 2017 – Assembly of National Sleep Societies (ANSS)
Assembly of National Sleep Societies (ANSS)
At the end of January 2017, the ANSS Executive Committee met in Frankfurt to prepare the programme of the annual ANSS meeting. This will take place in Reykjavik (Iceland) from May 5th, starting at 18:00, to early hours of May 7th.
The agenda will start with the presentation of the National Sleep Societies. This will allow us to draw a picture on how things are moving in the different countries, and verify whether ANSS can contribute to overcome critical issues removing obstacles and promoting official support to local initiatives.
A special session will be dedicated to the work in progress of the ESRS-ANSS task forces: Horizon 2020, Beyond AHI, Sleep medicine as subspecialty, the European Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Insomnia, Implementation of the ESRS guidelines.
Other sessions will focus on models for sleep medicine organization and on how driving regulation in patients with OSAS and sleepiness is applied in the different countries. A specific expert contribution will describe the available technical opportunities to monitor vigilance and attention at the wheel.
The results of two surveys – one on Patient Organizations and one Follow-up Questionnaire for Sleep Medicine as a subspeciality – will be updated and discussed.
ANSS sponsors will have the opportunity to share with the ANSS members new proposals and perspectives, while ESRS and ANSS activities will be assessed in specific business meetings.
A general discussion on future projects will close the meeting. All NSS Presidents have been invited to submit proposals ranging from a research project, to a survey or awareness campaign challenge or a discussion of challenges within a specific field of sleep research/medicine.
As a final note, the President of Iceland has officially invited the ANSS participants to a one-hour reception at Bessastadir, the presidential residence, the evening of May 5th: quite an honor for the European sleep community!
Liborio Parrino
Chair, on behalf of the EC ANSS