Minutes of the Annual Meeting (hybrid) of the ANSS in the European Sleep Research Society May 6-7, 2022 – Ljubljana, Slovenia
Hotel location: Grand Hotel Union
List of attendees:
In-person: Dr. Samson Khachatrian (Armenia, ANSS EC), Dr. Ysbrand van der Werf (the Netherlands, ANSS EC), Dr. Barbara Gnidovec Stražišar (representative, Slovenia, ANSS EC), Dr. Oana Claudia Deleanu (Romania, ANSS EC), Dr. Pitt Young (Germany, ANSS EC), Dr. Rainer Popovic (Austria), Dr. Ondrej Ludka (representative, Czech Republic), Dr. Sarah Hartley (representative, France), Prof. Dr.Thomas Penzel (Germany), Dr. Dimitris Dikeos (Greece), Prof. Dr. Béla Faludi (Hungary), Dr. Landolt (representative, Switzerland, ESRS Board), Prof. Pierre-Herve Luppi (ESRS president), Tom de Boer (ESRS Board), Erna Sif Arnardottir (ESRS Board), Dirk Pevernagie (ESRS Board), Christian Causse (France, Bioprojet)
On-line: Dr. Morten Engstrøm (Norway, ANSS EC), Dr. Lyudmila Korostovtseva (ANSS EC), Prof. Dr. Dries Testelmans (Belgium), Prof. Dr. Zoran Dogas (Croatia), Dr. Katrin Põld (Estonia), Dr. Schiza Sophia (Greece, representative), Dr. Erla Björnsdóttir (Iceland), Dr. Silke Ryan (Ireland), Dr. Evelina Pajediene (Lithuania), Prof. Szczepan Cofta (Poland), Dr. Maria Helena Estevao (representative, Portugal), Dr. Ioana Munteanu (Romania), Dr Alexander Kalinkin (Russia), Dr. Slavko Janović (Serbia), Dr. Eva Feketeova (Slovakia), Dra. Milagros Merino (Spain), Dr. Gulcin Benbir (representative, Turkey), Dr. Joerg Steier (UK), Cheryl Needham (USA, Philips), Peter Anderer (USA, Philips)
Friday, May 6, 2022
14.30 – 14.45: Meeting opening remarks (Ysbrand van der Werf)
Welcoming speech, meeting is opened. Thanks to local organizer – Barbara Strazisar!
Nice to see everyone again, partly live, partly online
14.45 – 15:45 National Sleep Societies presentations (Chair: Peter Young)
Presentations from the representatives attending live
French NSS (SFRMS) reported to have national guidelines in sleep field, 3 professional training programs, 47 accredited sleep centres and 4 affiliated centers; National Sleep Conference gathered 3500 attendees in 2021.
Greek NSS reported official recognition of sleep medicine as an “adequate training in sleep medicine” for a number of specializations, official recognition for technicians and accreditation of sleep centres by the Ministry of Health, relaunch of the web page, preparations for the Sleep Europe 2022 in Athens.
Austrian NSS reported to have made a new website.
Hungarian NSS reported several face-to-face joint events with other professional societies in 2022, the national congress is postponed till September 2022.
German NSS (DGSM) is reported to have 2300 members, a well-defined structure of the society with two paid employees; 320 DGSM-certified sleep labs (with recertification taking place every 2 years), 2 certification exams (one by DGSM – for physicians, psychologists, scientists and technologists, and second by the Chamber of physicians – for physicians), annual conferences (2020 and 2021 in virtual format; in 2022 in person).
Dutch NSS reported having three Dutch sleep societies (SVNL, Kind&Slaap, and NSWO), biannual National Sleep Congress, every three years the International Sleep Medicine Course, education in sleep field at all levels of professional degrees.
Armenian NSS reported an increase in PTSD and sleep due to recent border struggles, and publications related to Kleine-Levin syndrome.
Swiss NSS reported the establishment of the “Special Interest Groups”, 34 centres of sleep medicine, wide implementation of online activities
Slovenian NSS reported 30 members, 2 accredited sleep centres, 2 affiliated sleep centres and 2 centres for sleep-disordered breathing.
Czech NSS – not present
16:15 – 17:30: National Sleep Societies presentations (Chair: Oana Deleanu)
Presentations from the representatives attending online
Romanian NSS reported several challenges, including large number of underdiagnosed and undertreated patients, lack of sleep specialists, political inconsistency regarding sleep disorders.
Spanish NSS reported to have established award “Joaquin Teran and Mari Luz Alonso” and research grants. Irish NSS reported facilitation of sleep services in private sector due to the increased need for home sleep studies and CPAP initiation recognized by the Healthcare Insurance Providers; publication of Joint guidelines on sleep services and CPAP/NIV use during COVID-19 (2020).
Lithuanian NSS (33 members) reported to have held an important meeting on pediatric sleep “Kid’s sleep – mission (im)possible”; reimbursement is only available for BiPAP/ASV and central sleep apnea.
Croatian NSS (approx.. 40 members), has a separate section of sleep technologists, is setting up a new master program in sleep
Russian NSS announced the sad parting of Ivan N. Pigarev, has held face-to-face annual congress in March 2022.
Norwegian NSS holds 6 online meetings per year; is a member of Norwegian Brain Council, interspecialty competence in sleep medicine is being discussed.
Slovakian NSS (98 members) reported to have held a joint Czech and Slovak Congress of Sleep Medicine in 2021, to have a certification course in sleep, have published a textbook in 2021.
Icelandic NSS has reported to have organized a one-month (2021) campaign with Directorate of Health to promote sleep, focusing on delayed school start times for teenagers; a seminar related to the World Sleep Day; a huge sleep conference for the general population in May; the Nordic sleep congress is scheduled for 2023 in Reykjavik.
Estonian NSS (30 members) reported the sleep-related procedures which are currently reimbursed (respiratory polygraphy since 2018, transcutaneous capnography since 2019), have published national guidelines on sleep diagnostics in primary care, development of myofunctional therapy for sleep apnea in children.
Turkish NSS (1474 members) has differentiated membership (main, associate and honorary).
Belgian NSS reported to have conducted 2 annual meeting in spring and autumn; a CBT-I meeting in February 2022 and the ISMC (International Sleep Medicine Course) in 2021.
Serbian NSS reported activities related to the World Sleep Day.
Portuguese NSS reported a variety of entertainment activities related to the World Sleep Day.
British NSS held biennial scientific congress in 2021, Symposium at the 5th Clinical Update Sleep (March 2021), Webinar on non-CPAP therapy in 2021, one day course “Introduction to polygraphy” in March 2022.
Based on the voting the following presentations were awarded:
- French NSS 30 Votes
- British NSS 13 votes
- Armenian/Portuguese NSSs 9 votes
Saturday, May 7, 2022
9:00 – 10.30 ANSS ongoing projects (Chair: Morten Engstrøm)
National Sleep Societies Survey (Lyudmila Korostovtseva)
Surveys not complete: about 10 missing (to contact societies individually after the meeting).
The numbers of members are growing (n=8254). 42% NSSs had annual events in the last year, 25% – performed events in relation to World Sleep Day.
ESRS examination and textbook feedback: the exam is officially recognized in 7 countries, is not recognized but appreciated in 3 countries.
Topics of interest for future collaboration: telemedicine and guidelines/joint statement; joint conferences; reimbursement issues
Telemedicine (Oana Deleanu)
Surveys were not complete, and some countries filled in twice with conflicting results (to contact societies individually after the meeting, and set up 10-15-minute teleconsultations to discuss discrepancies)
Paediatric Sleep (Barbara Stražišar)
Surveys are not complete, and also unclear for some countries how to count child sleep centres that are part of adult centres (maybe also do short teleconsultations to sort out the discrepancies).
Beyond Boundaries (Samson Khachatryan)
Ongoing, hope to recruit new countries and increase interaction.
Daylight Saving Time around the world (Barbara Stražišar )
Unclear what is happening in Europe. In the voting in 2019, the majority voted for constant time, 2 countries were against/unsure (Sweden, Ireland). USA will adopt standard summertime; so it is better to wait and see what happens there (‘an experiment with n=300 Million’….) before we propose new action within Europe.
11:00 – 12.30 News and hot topics (Chair: Ysbrand van der Werf)
Keynote lecture: Telemedicine in sleep: state of the art and perspective (Christoph Schöbel)
Talk was very well received, nice overview of telemedicine services and existing opportunities. The presentation is attached.
Sleep Revolution (Erna Sif Arnardottir)
15M€ project funded by EU grant aimed at the revolution in the management of sleep disordered breathing (focus on personalized, participatory medicine), runs for 3 more years. Emphasis on open data and open science, big data, machine learning. The role of the ANSS is important for presentation and publication, dissemination of the results to professional and patient organizations, for development of guidelines and position papers, and advisory role is also important. European Sleep manual and Sleepathon are planned to be developed.
Update from the ESRS (Chair: Samson Khachatryan)
Summary of ESRS activities and plans (Pierre-Hervé Luppi)
Online Communication is enhanced and NSS are invited to both contribute to the online activities and to disseminate among their members: news every Friday, monthly Newsletter, FB and Twitter (new followers are welcome), webinars several times per year. ESRS logo should appear on the NSS websites as the NSS are affiliated societies. NSSs are encouraged to update information on the ESRS website and to submit events for the ESRS endorsement and inclusion in the ESRS calendar (esrs@esrs.eu).
Education opportunities are increased. Next ESRS examination will be in September 2022, eSleep lessons will be available online soon.
Sleep Europe 2022 in Athens (hybrid format, registration opened) and Sleep and Breathing in April 2023 – should be advertised among NSS and their members.
Sleep Medicine Committee (Dirk Pevernagie)
SMC is a large and expanding group with multiple subcommittees with specific interests. Currently, it is recruiting more members, perhaps NSS representatives can relay the question to their members for a role in the committee.
The role of the interaction between ANSS and SMC is emphasized, the role of ANSS is to monitor and identify needs and to implement the developments of the SMC.
14:30 – 15:00 ANSS / ESRS collaboration and proposals (Chair: Oana Claudia Deleanu)
Lifetime achievement award (Ysbrand van der Werf and Pierre-Hervé Luppi)
Proposal to have a yearly “Excellence Award”, alternatingly given out at the ESRS biannual meeting and the ANSS annual meeting in the intervening years. The award at the occasion of the ESRS meeting could be restricted to a country national of the hosting country. Nominations should be done by: the ESRS board members, ANSS EC (advisory) members and all NSS presidents/representatives; each of these persons should communicate with their network for suggestions.
Several questions and suggestions arose from the representatives in the meeting: PH Luppi and Y van der Werf will make a proposal and send around to ANSS EC and ESRS board: selection committee is to be set
Flagship project – open table with all representatives (10 minutes)
- Consider Beyond Boundaries as a flagship project?
- Something like the Wake-up bus which was a great success and highly visible
- Teaching project, like the Marie Curie or Fréjus school?
- A teaching project on a ship?
- Organize a network for technicians specifically, they have been overlooked and can learn a lot from each other. Translate manuals and textbooks?
Brainstorm – open table with all representatives (10 min)
- E S Arnardottir mentions she wants to set up an MSc or PhD program in Sleep; ideally in a network allowing for exchange students
- PH Luppi is interested in investigating joint NSS-ESRS membership (survey performed in 2021). Maybe have more types of membership and adapt cost of joint membership according to each country’s wealth? Needs to be investigated before societies can decide. Volunteers for task force membership: reach out to PHL.
- Maybe use the ANSS also to investigate whether it can unite sleep scientists? Now it is more focused on uniting clinicians. First question should be is there a need for such a network? PH Luppi suggests asking an MSc student to make an overview of ongoing sleep research, groups and individuals in the ESRS community to obtain an overview of what is going on, what are the traditions, what is the output, who are the individuals.
15.30 – 16:20 Meet the sponsors (Chair: Barbara Stražišar)
Philips Respironics
Cheryl Needham: mentions update on the respirator recall/field safety notice. 1.1 million respirators have been recalled, Philips is doing extensive testing on different machines under different conditions. The report was made by an independent party and was published last week will be sent along with these notes to all NSS representatives.
Report is attached.
Peter Anderer: presents work on new developments concerning automatic scoring using CRESS, part of Somnolyzer. Good validity and replicability.
Christian Caussé: update on Pitolisant/Wakix, now it is also considered for Narcolepsy, also in children (Dossier submitted to EMA in April 2022).
A detailed overview of the mode of action of Pitolisant was presented and its interaction with the histaminergic system, Pitolisant blocks the H3R receptors increasing histamine synthesis and release.
Several clinical trials are ongoing:
Pitolisant in Prader Willi (phase 3), Pitolisant in Idiopathic Hypersomnia, Pitolisant in MD1 (Steinert Disease, Myotonic Dystrophy 1).
Two symposia will be presented at the ESRS Sep 2022.
16:20 – 17:10 ANSS Business meeting (Industry and ESRS board cannot attend) (Chair: Ysbrand van der Werf)
Finances and membership of the ANSS – Morten Engstrøm (10 min)
Some countries have not yet paid the NSS fees – remind them and check with your own society (Russia is not able to pay for the moment)
In April 2022 the following NSS countries have not yet paid the fees:
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Denmark
- Iceland
- The Netherlands
- Poland
- Romania
- Russia
- Slovakia
- Spain
- Turkey
Next ANSS meetings (2023/24?) - presentations and vote (20 min)
2023: Amsterdam (organizer Ysbrand)
2024 Trondheim (organizer Morten)
Composition of the EC (20 min)
Only 1 candidacy was received, while we have 3 EC posts up for election, plus two advisory members who would have to leave. 2020-2022 have been ‘lost years’.
Proposal to prolong the mandate of the current EC and the advisory members with 2 years, then do the elections in 2024. Advantage is also that the 3 new members will coincide with the new president of the ESRS.
Proposal is accepted by the NSS unanimously; the EC accepts this extended mandate.