October 2012 – Reports – Forum for Women in Sleep Research
Published in: ESRS Newsletter, October 2012
ESRS Forum for Women in Sleep Research
The 8th meeting of the Forum was held during the 21st Congress of the European Sleep Research Society in Paris, France. Dr. Helen Driver (Kingston General Hospital, Ontario, Canada) presented a talk entitled “Sleep and Gender: the Paradox of Sex and Sleep”, emphasizing the value and importance of studying both genders in basic and clinical sleep research. Dr. Tarja Porkka-Heiskanen (Biomedikum Helsinki, Finland) then discussed the importance of getting involved in science policy in her presentation entitled “Science, society, scientific society and women in scientific society”. This led to a lively discussion highlighting the importance of networking and being proactive, even at an early-career stage, to not only benefit from the opportunity given by the Forum framework, but also to be more active in the life of the European Sleep Research Society.
Furthermore, it is a pleasure to announce that three members of our ESRS Forum for Women in Sleep Research have been elected to be part of the ESRS Scientific Committee during the Business meeting held in Paris. Many congratulations to Mayumi Kimura (Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany), Tiina Paunio (University of Helsinki, Finland) and Renata Riha (Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, UK).
For information, relaying and networking, Raphaëlle Winsky-Sommerer – Coordinator, ESRS Forum for Women in Sleep Research – can be contacted via r.winsky-sommerer@surrey.ac.uk .
Raphaëlle Winsky-Sommerer (Coordinator)