
March 2015 – Reports – Forum for Women in Sleep Research

ESRS Forum for Women in Sleep Research

Coordinator: Raphaelle Winsky-Sommerer

Following the ESRS Forum for Women symposium in Tallinn, a number of junior scientists, based in and outside Europe, became involved and have contributed to consolidating the Forum.

Some actions taken forward will be to expand the advertisement of open positions including PhD studentships, post-doctoral fellow positions and academic positions via our email list. In addition, information about research grants will be circulated with an emphasis on early-career re-integration research grants for young researchers who have been working outside Europe.

Some young researchers with the support of the coordinator are driving the establishment of local hub groups to develop local networks, support each other and share information on their research.

In addition, we have contacted a number of sleep researchers belonging to the US Sleep Research Society and the Australasian Sleep Association to strengthen the women’s network to facilitate contacts for young scientists looking to pursue their career in sleep research. We will pursue our efforts to reactivate links with women in sleep research belonging to the World Federation of Sleep Research & Sleep Medicine Societies to expand our network.

Raphaelle Winsky-Sommerer