March 2014 – Research Networking Committee (RNC)
ESRS Research Networking Committee (RNC)
Members (2012-2014):
Coordinator, Debra J. Skene; vice-coordinator, Walter McNicholas; members, Roberto Amici, Simon Archer, Zoran Dogas, Pierre-Hervé Luppi, Lino Nobili, Renata Riha
The RNC continues to facilitate the Networking of Sleep Researchers. On 13th December, 2013 the Co-ordinators of the European Networks (Forum for Women in Sleep Research; EIN; EU-NN; ESADA) were asked to circulate a letter encouraging their members to become ESRS members as well register their Laboratory in our European Sleep Research Database. As a result of these efforts, we currently have 94 Laboratories registered, with another 19 Laboratories pending approval. Unapproved submissions are partly incomplete and submitters are kindly asked to check the completeness of their application (for submission guidelines, click Submission_Guide.pdf.)
The annual ESRS Travel Grant scheme (2014) for young researchers has been completed. We received a wide range of applications with candidates from across Europe. Simon Archer, Pierre-Hervé Luppi and I had a difficult task selecting 10 awardees. These trainees and the Laboratories that will host them are detailed here.
I am also pleased to announce that Erna Sif Arnardottir (Iceland) has agreed to assist in co-ordinating the launch of the ESRS Young Researchers Network. A special session for Young Researchers will be held at the forthcoming ESRS Congress in Tallinn (Friday 19th September 2014, 12.30-14.00). Please spread the word about this exciting initiative!
With thanks for your continued support
Debra J. Skene