December 2015 – Reports – Scientific Committee
Published in ESRS Newsletter December 2015
ESRS Scientific Committee (SC)
Members (2014 – 2016):
Tom de Boer (Co-Chair), Renata Riha (Co Chair), John Axelsson, Gianluca Ficca, Birgit Högl, Poul Jennum, Mayumi Kimura, Gilles Vandewalle, Raphaelle Winsky-Sommerer
Since the previous report, the Scientific Committee has received and reviewed all the submitted symposium proposals for the forthcoming congress in Bologna. The Scientific Committee also proposed nominations for keynote speakers, speakers for the joint EBRS/ESRS symposium, and subjects and speakers for teaching courses. On the 27th of November Tom de Boer met with the Board, Congrex and the Local Organizing Committee in Bologna to build the framework of the Scientific Program of the conference. We think that we ended up with a well-balanced and exciting program to which we all can look forward. We would like to thank all the members of the Scientific Committee for their hard work with this task. In addition, the Committee continues to provide input into the Research Networking Committee.
Tom de Boer, Renata Riha