July 2017 – Reports – Scientific Committee
Published in ESRS Newsletter July 2017
ESRS Scientific Committee (SC)
Members (2016 – 2018):
Raphaelle Winsky-Sommerer (Chair; United Kingdom), Gianluca Ficca (Italy), Ludger Grote (Sweden), Birgit Högl (Austria), Reto Huber (Switzerland), Poul Jennum (Denmark), Christoph Nissen (Germany), Gilles Vandewalle (Belgium), Giovanna Zoccoli (Italy)
In the past months, the Scientific Committee reviewed and made proposals regarding several aspects of the upcoming ESRS congress in Basel. These include the guidelines and timing of call for symposia and abstract, as well as the organisation of the scientific programme.
In addition, the Committee reviewed applications for the ESRS travel grants2017 for Meetings and Courses, 2-week training grants and short-time 3-months fellowship. We also advised the organisers of the Sleep Science School (Frejus, France, 16-21 October 2017) for the selection of participants and travel fellowship recipients.
In the upcoming months, the Committee will continue to provide inputs and work closely with the Board, the Early Career Researcher Network of the ESRS and the conference team for the preparation of the upcoming ESRS congress in Basel.
Raphaëlle Winsky-Sommerer (on behalf of the Scientific Committee)