March 2013 – Reports- Scientific Committee
Published in: ESRS Newsletter, March 2013)
ESRS Scientific Committee (SC)
Members (2012 – 2014):
Simon Archer (chair), John Axelsson, Tom de Boer, Alex Iranzo, Mayumi Kimura, Raffaele Manni, Tiina Paunio, Renata Riha, Sophie Schwartz
Since the ESRS conference in Paris, the Committee worked on an analysis of the conference data and feedback from the conference delegates. Based upon this, the Committee made a series of recommendations to the ESRS Board for how certain aspects could be improved further or more carefully considered for the next meeting in Tallinn in 2014. Over the coming months, the Committee will begin work on preparations for the call for symposia for the next meeting. Two nominated members of the Committee (Simon Archer and Renata Riha) have also provided input to the work of the Research Networking Committee.
Simon Archer