
March 2014 – Reports- Scientific Committee

Published in ESRS Newsletter March 2018

ESRS Scientific Committee (SC)

Members (2012 – 2014):
Simon Archer (chair), John Axelsson, Tom de Boer, Alex Iranzo, Mayumi Kimura, Raffaele Manni, Tiina Paunio, Renata Riha, Sophie Schwartz.

Since the previous report of activity, the symposium sessions for the Tallinn meeting have been finalised and the Scientific Committee has scheduled these within the Scientific Programme. The Committee has made some changes to the programme schedule with respect to the Paris format to reduce the number of parallel symposia and so minimise potential clashes. The resulting symposium schedule is exciting and full of great scientific content. The meeting schedule can now be viewed at the website. Our next task will be to review the submitted abstracts after the April deadline and to schedule the Oral Session content for the programme. We encourage you and your colleagues to submit your excellent work for presentation at the Tallinn meeting. The Committee continues to provide input into the Research Networking Committee via its two nominated members and recently helped to evaluate applications for travel grants.

Simon Archer