November 2014 – Reports – Sleep Medicine Committee (SMC)
Published in ESRS Newsletter November 2014
ESRS Sleep Medicine Committee (SMC)
15 November 2014
Current Members (2014 – 2016):
Thomas Penzel (Coordinator), Erna Sif Arnardottir, Simone de Lacy, Marie-Pia d’Ortho, Colin Espie, Diego Garcia-Borreguero, Walter McNicholas, Lino Nobili, Tiina Paunio, Dirk Pevernagie, Thomas Pollmächer, Javier Puertas, Andrea Rodenbeck, Marco Zucconi
Previous Members (2012 – 2014):
Thomas Penzel (Coordinator), Ludger Grote, Simone de Lacy, Marie-Pia d’Ortho, Zoran Dogas, Colin Espie, Diego Garcia-Borreguero, Walter McNicholas, Lino Nobili, Dirk Pevernagie, Thomas Pollmächer, Andrea Rodenbeck, Marco Zucconi
The Sleep Medicine Committee has successfully managed the first regular examination for ESRS somnologists and the first grandparents’ examination for sleep technologists in Tallinn. A little over 100 people sat for the Somnologist examination and fewer than 10 failed to pass the multiple choice questionnaire. For the technologist exam, 38 people sat for both parts – a multiple choice questionnaire on the first day and a scoring examination on the second day – all of whom passed. The names of the successful candidates are listed on the ESRS website and published in this newsletter.
The next ESRS somnologist examination will take place on 15th April 2015 in Barcelona during the Sleep and Breathing conference co-organized by the ESRS and the ERS. The second grandparent examination for sleep technologists will be held on this occasion as well. The internet application site is now open and will close on 11th December 2014.
The examinations will comprise the regular examination for physicians, psychologists, and scientists and a grandparents’ examination for sleep technologists in cooperation with the European Sleep Technologist Association. We are looking forward to a hight attendance and are currently preparing the questions. The suggested reading material is now the new ESRS book on sleep medicine. This is available to everyone sitting the exam and other interested parties as well.
The composition of the committee has changed slightly on the suggestion of the ESRS board. The committee wants to thank both Ludger Grote and Zoran Dogas who are demitting for their engagement and hard work over the past two years.
Currently, the main activity of the Sleep Medicine Committee is the updating of the sleep center accreditation criteria. Initially, this will be undertaken as a strategic discussion and decision-making process, centering around which sleep centres should be accredited by the ESRS and which should be accredited by the national sleep societies. Categories of sleep centres are being considered: training and research centres, multidisciplinary centres, single-discipline centres.
Alignment with the ERS, and their educational and accreditation activities (HERMES) continues to be an important activity undertaken by this committee and members of the ESRS board.
Thomas Penzel