Prof. Dr. Yves Dauvilliers
Keynote Lecture:
Hypersomnolence, narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia: Mechanisms and implications for precision medicine
Sleep Europe 2024 Lecture Summary
Hypersomnolence is a frequent multidimensional complaint with excessive daytime sleepiness, excessive quantity of sleep, and sleep inertia. It is associated with altered quality of life, accidents, and often with cardiovascular, psychiatric and neurological disorders. Many different sleep and non-sleep causes are associated with hypersomnolence. Current criteria used for presence of hypersomnolence and related disorders need to be improved and revised. The more severe causes of central disorders of hypersomnolence are narcolepsy type 1 and type 2, idiopathic hypersomnia, being orphan sleep disorders. The main pathophysiologic feature is thought to reflect a deficiency of arousal systems, rather than an overactivity of sleep systems or an imbalance between both. However, large gaps persist in our understanding of the neurobiological causes of hypersomnolence and related disorders except for narcolepsy type 1 with impaired neurotransmission of hypocretin/orexin, by a probable autoimmune process. We need to 1/ better understand what determines an individual’s sleep need and identify biomarkers for the different forms of hypersomnolence, 2/ better precise how disorders of hypersomnolence progress over the years, and 3/ better treat our patients with precision medecine
Yves Dauvilliers, MD, PhD, is a Professor of Neurology and Physiology, and Head of the clinical and research activity of the sleep laboratory at the University of Montpellier, France.
Director of a research group in the Institute of Neuroscience INSERM, Montpellier.
Coordinator of the French National Reference Network for Orphan Diseases (Narcolepsy, Hypersomnia, Kleine-Levin Syndrome).
Associate coordinator of the Gui-de-Chauliac University Hospital , Montpellier-France.
Coordinator of Fédération Hospitalo-Universitaire Neuroscience « NEUROCLIN ».
Coordinator of Team : Neuropeps (Sleep), INSERM Institut of Neuroscience.
Member of the Clinical Research Department, University Hospital, Montpellier.
Member of the Scientific board of the Medical University of Montpellier.
Member of governance of Brainteam (Filière nationale de Soins) and of the COEN of Montpellier.
Reviewer for
Lancet, NEJM, Brain, Annals of Neurology, Neurology, Journal of Neurology, Neuropsychiatry and Neurosurgery, Sleep, Journal of Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine, Brain, Archives of Internal Medicine
Editor in Chief for the journal: Frontiers in Neurology, Section “Sleep and Chronobiology”
Member of the Editorial Board for the journal: Sleep Medicine, SLEEP, Sleep Medicine Review
Vice-President of the European Narcolepsy Network, Vice-President of French Sleep Medical and Research Society (SFRMS), and past Vice-President of EU Restless Legs Syndrome.
Study Group Member of European Sleep Research Society (ESRS)
Member of American Academy of Sleep Medecine (AASM)
Cochair of the Centre of Excellence in neurodegeneration, Montpellier.
Coordinator Axis Central Hypersomnia – GDR Sleep
Main Domains of Research
Research studies in the diagnosis, epidemiology, pathophysiology and therapy of sleep disorders related to neurological disorders including narcolepsy, hypersomnias, parasomnia, insomnia, Parkinson, Alzheimer and RLS.
Scientific achievements
Author or co-author of more than 512 papers published in international and national peer-reviewed journals, several book chapters, and he also edited three French book related to sleep medicine. H-Index : 74