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Online Course
Organized by Institute of Studies in Health and Nutrition (ISNUT)

This University Specialization Course has been designed to provide professionals with quality, advanced, updated practical training based on the latest scientific evidence so that they can improve the care of their patients and families.

It’s a degree accredited by the Miguel de Cervantes European University (UEMC).

It is aimed exclusively at health professionals who want to train, specialize, expand their knowledge, or update themselves in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sleep medicine in pediatric age.

Training in Spanish, 100% online and from anywhere in the world, with asynchronous theoretical-practical classes with specialized teachers and resolution of real clinical cases that you can view at your own pace.

What’s included:

  • Theoretical classes with interdisciplinary approach – asynchronous practices taught by renowned national and international teachers with extensive knowledge and experience in the area they teach.
  • Audiovisual content based on the latest scientific evidence with bibliographical citations.
  • Resolution of real clinical cases to achieve learning adapted to real situations.
  • Extra multimedia content to expand the concepts covered.
  • Masterclasses on specific topics to delve deeper into different areas.
  • Written tutoring sessions to resolve doubts and detect those concepts that need to be reviewed.
  • Practical work tools for clinical practice.
  • 24 x 7 debate forum to share and comment on aspects covered in the course and situations in question.
  • 100% online and available from anywhere in the world with internet access.
  • Material and content of the classes are downloadable and with unlimited access.
  • Lessons are in Spanish, except from some English masterclasses that are also translated into Spanish.

If you want further information or want to register, you can do below: