Memory and Sleep lab – UvA – University of Amsterdam

Memory and Sleep lab – UvA - University of Amsterdam

Brain & Cognition

Memory and Sleep lab – UvA

Contact: W.F. Hofman /  
L.M. Talamini
Position: Principal investigators
Address: Weesperplein 4, 1018 XA
City: Amsterdam
Country: Netherlands
Contact Email: Contact laboratory
RESEARCH DOMAIN: Methodology / Technology, Clinical, Basic Human
KEYWORDS: Learning, Memory, Cognition, Sleep and Medical Disorders, Sleep and Psychiatry-Personality Disorders, Sleep Physiology-Neurophysiology in Human


Laboratory Description:

The group’s main research themes regard the interplay of sleep and wake time cognitive and emotional function. These themes are investigated both from a behavioural perspective and with regard to the underlying neural mechanisms. Research includes both fundamental and clinical topics.

Fundamental research
Fundamental research revolves around the role of sleep in information processing, addressing for instance the reorganisation of memory over time and sleep, information (re)processing during sleep and the role of sleep oscillations, such as spindles and slow waves, in consolidation and reorganization type processes. Substantial research effort also regards the relation between sleep and emotional processing, with special attention again for sleep physiological and neural mechanisms. A program with high societal interest regards the sleep characteristics of adolescents in relation to performance.

Clinical research
Clinically oriented studies address the relation between sleep problems and cognitive/emotional deficits in neurological and psychological disorders. A current programs regards the interplay between emotional memory processing deficits and sleep problems in PTSD. Another concerns cognitive problems related to sleep disordered breathing and cognitive rehabilitation. Further lines of research regard new treatment strategies for insomnia.

Laboratory description: 2 bedroom sleep laboratory, control room, large lounge, kitchen and bathroom facilities. Possibility for circadian rhythm studies.

KEY Publications of the Laboratory:

Learning, Memory, Cognition
Sleep and Medical Disorders
Sleep and Psychiatry-Personality Disorders
Sleep Physiology-Neurophysiology in Human


  • Title:  Name:  Miranda Olff Position: Professor Institution: Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam Email: 
  • Title:  MSc Name:  Mirjam J. Nijdam Position: Postdoc Institution: Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam Email: 
  • Title:  Name:  A.C.H.G. (Twan) Driessen Position: General director Institution: Centrum '45 Email: 
  • Title:  MD Name:  Ruud A. Jongedijk Position: Psychiatrist / Director of Innovation and Patient Care Institution: Centrum '45 / Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group Email: