Sleepcenter SEIN Zwolle-Groningen – Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN)

Sleepcenter SEIN Zwolle-Groningen - Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN)


Sleepcenter SEIN Zwolle-Groningen

Contact: Al  
de Weerd
Position: Head of sleepcenter
Address: Postbox 563, 8000 AN
City: Zwolle
Country: Netherlands
Contact Email: Contact laboratory
KEYWORDS: Paediatric Sleep Disorders, Behavioural Sleep Disorders, Neurological Sleep Disorders, Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Psychiatry-Personality Disorders, Sleep and Ageing


– International Sleep Medicine Course 2014, November 17-20, St Michielsgestel, Netherlands (Netherlands, Belgium, UK): organized by a committee with Weerd as chairman.
– Age and Sleep One day meeting on Sleep during Lifetime, Slotervaart Hospital, Amsterdam, 2014, May 23.

Laboratory Description:

Referral sleepcenter at three locations (Zwolle and Groningen and -in collaboration with GGZ Drenthe- in Assen, especially for sleep disorders in patients with psychiatric disorders). App. 1000 new patients/year with all categories of pathology. Close connection with a referral epilepsy center. All diagnostic techniques except PET are available. Large, multidisciplinary staff. Therapies: CBT, other psychological, medication, CPAP, BiPAP, light/chronotherapy, etc.
Research focussed on the interaction sleep/epilepsy, sleep in (very young) children and adolescents, RLS, sleep in the elderly

Additional Descriptors, Keywords:

Referral sleepcenter, patient care, all sleep disorders, sleep/epilepsy, childhood sleep, RLS, sleep in the elderly

KEY Publications of the Laboratory:

See above


  • Title:  PhD Name:  Raphaelle Ferri Position:  Institution: Troina Email: 
  • Title:  PhD, MD Name:  Luigi Ferini Strambi Position:  Institution: Milano Email: 
  • Title:  Name:  Claudia Trenkwalder Position:  Institution: Kassel Email: