The Laboratory for the Research of Sleep Disorders – Babes-Bolyai University

The Laboratory for the Research of Sleep Disorders - Babes-Bolyai University

The International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health

The Laboratory for the Research of Sleep Disorders

Contact: Bogdan  
Position: Lecturer of Psychiatry
Address: Fantanele 30, 400294
City: Cluj-Napoca
Country: Romania
Contact Email: Contact laboratory
KEYWORDS: Others, Sleep and Medical Disorders, Genetics of Sleep, Sleep and Ageing, Sleep and Psychiatry-Personality Disorders, Epidemiology of Sleep, Behavioural Sleep Disorders


No longer active

Laboratory Description:

We study the role circadian preference plays in health and disease and look at the links between sleep disorders and psychiatric and somatic conditions. We adapt and develop personalized evidence-based psychological interventions (e.g., rational-emotive and cognitive-behavioural approaches) for sleep disorders. We assess the individuals by subjective methods (interviews, scales, logs) and objective ones, such as actigraphy, portable electroencephalography magnetic resonance imaging or genetic analysis.

Additional Descriptors, Keywords:

insomnia, CBT-i, fMRI

KEY Publications of the Laboratory:

Voinescu BI, Wislowska M, Schabus M (2014) Assessment of SOMNOwatch plus EEG for sleep monitoring in healthy individuals. Physiology and Behavior(in press)
Voinescu BI, Szentagotai A, David D (2012) Sleep disturbance, circadian preference and symptoms of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Journal of Neural Transmission 119(10), 1195-1204


  • Title:  Name:  Kai Spiegelhalder Position:  Institution: Freiburg University Email: 
  • Title:  PhD Name:  Manuel Schabus Position:  Institution: Salzburg University, Austria Email: 
  • Title:  PhD Name:  Janne Grønli Position:  Institution: University of Bergen, Norway Email: 
  • Title:  PhD Name:  Andrew Coogan Position:  Institution: NUI Maynooth, Ireland Email: 
  • Title:  PhD, MD Name:  Johannes Thome Position:  Institution: Rostock University, Germany Email: 
  • Title:  PhD Name:  Debra Skene Position:  Institution: University of Surrey, England Email: 
  • Title:  PhD Name:  Kevin Morgan Position:  Institution: Loughborough University, UK Email: 
  • Title:  PhD, MD Name:  Bogdan Draganski Position:  Institution: LREN Lausanne, Switzerland Email: