Dr. Christina Schmidt

Team Leader
GIGA-CRC in Vivo Imaging
University of Liège

Christina Schmidt leads a research group at the GIGA-CRC in Vivo Imaging research unit of the University of Liège, Belgium. She studied psychology at the University of Liège and received her PhD in 2009. She spent several years as a post-doctoral fellow in Prof. C. Cajochen’s laboratory at the University of Basel, Switzerland before she was awarded an ERC starting grant and a permanent position at the University of Liège by the Belgian National Science Foundation (FRS-FNRS).

She leads a team at the Sleep and Chronobiology research group and is also affiliated to the Psychology and Neurosciences of Cognition research Unit of the University of Liège. Her main research interests consist in the assessment of sleep-wake regulation on human cognition and its cerebral correlates, with a particular emphasis on the aging process.