
March 2014 – Reports – European Insomnia Network (EIN)

Published in ESRS Newsletter March 2018

European Insomnia Network (EIN)

Already in 2013, the European Insomnia Network had applied for funding with the so-called EU Cost Action. Cost actions do not serve to directly fund research work, but they are aimed at supporting networking between researchers and clinicians Europe-wide. Furthermore, they serve to support young researchers to seek exchanges between laboratories across Europe. Unfortunately, our first application did not make it to the second round, i.e. it was rejected. Based on this experience and on advice from the German national contact point, the European Insomnia Network now has submitted a revised and strongly improved application for the Cost Action Programme in 2014. First decisions will be published in May, so we are looking forward and expecting the best.

Furthermore, the European Insomnia Network will be present at the Tallinn Meeting on the one hand with a symposium reflecting some of its work presented by young speakers from various European countries. Furthermore, a case seminar on therapy refractory insomnia will be held.

Dieter Riemann, Ph.D.

Freiburg, March 10, 2014