Registration for the ERATO UK – Japan Joint Symposium on Circadian Rhythms and Sleep is open until 20 February 2024. The symposium organised by the ERATO Ueda project from Japan and Oxford University will take place 11-13 March 2024 at Oxford Martin School, United Kingdom.
Registration is free, and includes lunch on March 12 and March 13, as well as a welcome dinner (limited number) on March 11.
The scientific program is being compiled by the organising committee that includes Prof. Russell Foster, Prof. Vladyslav Vyazovskiy, Associate Prof. Aarti Jagannath (all University of Oxford, UK), and Prof. Hiroki Ueda (The University of Tokyo, Japan). ERATO Ueda biological timing project, supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency, aims to understand the “biological timing” of human sleep and wakefulness from the molecular level to the level of individuals living in society. This symposium has been organised to promote research on sleep and circadian clocks through exchanges between the ERATO project and the University of Oxford and to further promote research exchange in the fields between UK and Japan.